Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1784: Evil ten!

The sudden sound made Leng Crazy wait for Guixiu’s face to change drastically, but Xiao Chen’s face remained unchanged. When they went to collect Baihuavine, they were beaten back by an external force. There must be a third-party force present, but What Xiao Chen didn't expect was that the opponent turned out to belong to the evil spirit army.

Xiao Chen looked up and saw a ghost standing directly in front of Baihuateng. A very ordinary ghost looked harmless to humans and animals. But in the eighteenth hell, any ghost repairer knew that the ghosts of the evil ghost army It is a group of horrible guys who do no evil and kill themselves.

"Little guy, introduce yourself. I am the captain of the tenth brigade of the evil spirit army. You can call me evil ten." The evil spirit fell in front of Xiao Chen and said lightly.

"Participate!" After Eshi reported his name, he was cold and crazy, Xiaojiao and other Guixiu instantly knelt on the ground, shaking all over, obviously very afraid of the evil ghost army.

Eshishi didn't pay attention to Leng Crazy and the others. He just looked at Xiao Chen faintly and said, "Little guy, are you interested in coming to my team?"

"I want that vine." Xiao Chen pointed to the vine.

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Eshi's face, "Evil Ghost Legion pays attention to the weak and the strong. If you want Hundred Flower Vine, you can defeat me and **** it from me."

As soon as his words fell, Xiao Chen had already moved, and the shot was the Sha Demon's burst fist. E Ten looked at Xiao Chen's shot, with a smile on his face, and stretched out his hand faintly to block Xiao Chen's fist.

"It's interesting. Although I only hit one punch, I felt as if I had received tens of thousands of punches, and every punch was full of explosive power. No wonder it was easy to solve a monstrous beast."

Evil Ten smiled faintly, and Xiao Chen's complexion condensed, the Sha Devil's Explosive Fist was blocked so easily, and it didn't even cause any harm to it. I am afraid that Shenwei's finger and the continuous sword in the palm could not do much hurt.

The Nether Fire couldn't be exposed, and the power of the law had no effect, and Xiao Chen gritted his teeth.

"Forbidden law, a thousand hands forbid killing!"

When the voice fell, dense hands suddenly appeared on him, like an octopus hand, instantly surrounding all the evil ten, and in just an instant, Xiao Chen felt a large amount of nether power into his body.

However, before he was happy, there was a strong shock from the evil ten bodies, Xiao Chen was instantly shocked, all his arms disappeared, and he felt a sweet throat.

"Is this the strength of the evil spirit army?" Xiao Chen looked at Evil Ten, his eyes full of shock.

"The tongue-out **** forbidden method, there is a second one that can be used, it is getting more and more interesting, little guy, if you can take my trick and Baihuavine will send you, how about you and me go to the evil spirit army?" Shi smiled.

"it is good!"

Xiao Chen nodded, the strength of the evil spirit army surpassed his imagination, maybe it can only penetrate into the evil spirit army, improve its strength, and disintegrate from the inside.

"Be careful, after three breaths, I will attack." Ten evils.

Hearing that, Xiao Chen's complexion sank, Wushuang armor, Wushuang God Weapon, God Desolate Eucharist, God of War suit, and all Xiao Chen's defenses were in full operation, and just after he was ready, the Evil Ten had already moved and appeared without warning In front of Xiao Chen, he simply punched Xiao Chen in his stomach.

In an instant, Xiao Chen's complexion flushed red, his whole body bent into a prawn, and his body flew out instantly, disappearing.

"Somewhat interesting!" Eshi's figure disappeared instantly.

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