Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1783: Nightmare!

Just when all the ghosts were about to be sucked into the lion’s belly, Xiao Chen suddenly appeared under the lion’s chin. A lion who immediately hit with an uppercut closed his mouth, cold and mad, and they fell to the ground in an instant, watching. Xiao Chen, who fisted the lion away, was stunned.

"Wing flash!" Xiao Chen bullied himself up and hit the lion with a punch. Not only that, as soon as the shot went down, several hands appeared on his arm and stuck to the lion.

"A Thousand Hands Banned Kill!"

The continuous power of the netherworld entered Xiao Chen's body through a few palms. The lion roared, and all the hair of his body suddenly stood up, like black thorns. The next moment, the dense black thorns all stab Xiao Chen.

"Xiao Chen is flashing fast, all attacks of the Monsieur Beast will cause damage to the soul. If it is hit by those black thorns, it will be completely over." Leng Madness shouted.

Xiao Chen's expression changed and he dodged his wings again, but the black thorns were not only dense, but also very fast. Several black thorns pierced Xiao Chen's body. Xiao Chen immediately felt a sharp pain in his soul, and the pain was unbearable.


The lion roared again and opened the lion's mouth again, and a suction came again.

"Do you know these two tricks for your sister?" Xiao Chen's soul seemed to have been pierced with a needle, and the pain was unbearable. Looking at the lion, his eyes were full of miserable colors. A dream beast that just broke through the impermanence made him like Embarrassed, how can he fight Yama.

"Xiao Chen, the weakness of this lion lies in its body." When Xiao Chen wanted to flash his wings again, Bai Caiyi's voice rang again in his ears.

Xiao Chen was startled, and the next moment, the whole person was directly sucked into the body by the lion, but then, the whole lion's head suddenly shattered, and Xiao Chen's figure appeared again.

Bai Caiyi told Xiao Chen that although the lion's defenses were very high, his mouth was extremely fragile. He smashed his entire head with just one punch.

With the death of the lion, it became cold and crazy, Xiao Jiao and other ghost Xiuquan looked stupid. At this time, Bai Caiyi walked to Xiao Chen's side, stretched out her hand, and a small white flower fell on her hand.

"The nightmare flower, transformed by the nightmare beast after death, is also the material for refining the ecstasy soup." Bai Caiyi said.

Xiao Chen nodded, and at this moment, Leng Feng and Xiao Jiao brought all the ghost repairs to their side, and respectfully said to Xiao Chen: "I didn't know the identity of an adult before, and I have offended him. I hope the adult will forgive me."

Those who can kill the impermanence-level moncler are only the judge-level existence in their cognition, and these existences are simply not something they can cause.

"You don't need to care, I want this vine, and I will compensate you with something else." Xiao Chen said straightforwardly.

"The adults are serious, and the monk beasts were all killed by adults. If it weren't for the adults, we would have become food for the monk beasts. How dare you ask for things from adults."

Leng Mad hurriedly said.

"Okay, don't say anything. These are for you. If I have to refuse, I won't save me face." Xiao Chen threw them a storage bag. It was a resource contributed by Chang Xiu and Xiao Chen couldn't use it at all. .

Then Xiao Chen walked towards Baihuateng, but at this moment, a faint voice suddenly rang.

"Obviously it's only an impermanent-level aura, but you can easily kill an impermanent-level nightmare. It seems that you have a good talent. Maybe our ghost army can add a new member."

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