Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1742: Pretend to be a fool!

In the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory, the youth of the Tianji clan was scorched by the thunder, and their breath was disordered.

"I'll help you spy on the secret, don't use lightning to strike me!" the young man begged for mercy.

"It would be good if you said that, hello, my hello, everyone." Xiao Chen smiled and looked at the young man.

The youth was full of aggrieved faces. This was the first time that their Tianji clan had been treated like this.

"What do you want?" the young man asked.

"Didn't I tell you, help me test whether there have been any major incidents in the Sea of ​​Fog recently, or if there are any strange things." Xiao Chen said, he originally wanted to kill young people directly to deter other races. However, the celestial secret technique of the celestial secret family aroused Xiao Chen's interest, and he planned to test whether the secret secret technique could detect the movement of the world in Mu Yun.

"This is your inner world. You can only see what's happening in your inner world. If you want to see what's happening in the sea of ​​mist, you can only go outside." said the young man.

Xiao Chen waved his hand and the young man came to a bathing place. The young man dressed and dressed, and the three of them left the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory.

Then the youth began to play with his tortoise shells, which still exudes a mysterious atmosphere, but on the youth's face, there is an undisguised joy.

"Are you very happy?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Yes!" the youth blurted out.

"Are you happy because you have already contacted the powerhouse of your Heavenly Secret Clan?" Xiao Chen asked again.

"Yes." The youth replied without hesitation, then his expression suddenly stagnated, then looked at Xiao Chen and asked in a daze, "How did you know?"

"Please, brother, everything is written on your face, can you have a snack!" Xiao Chen said speechlessly.

The youth stood up in an instant. He was a frightened quail. He looked at Xiao Chen and said, "I tell you, I have contacted my sister. She and her friends are nearby. I tell you, her friends are the strongest of the demons. Tianjiao, the future will definitely be able to break through the gods of good fortune. If you dare to do something to me, they will definitely not let you go."

The young man threatened, but his trembling body and trembling voice unreservedly showed his inner fear.

"I said this is not the first time you have come out for a trial?" Xiao Chen asked.

"How do you know?" the youth blurted out.

"How do you know this? You can tell at a glance. This world is too dangerous for someone like you to walk out. You should go back to your secret tribe. Otherwise, it doesn't matter if you die. If you are used by people with ulterior motives, you can It's miserable." Xiao Chen said silently.

"But the strong people in the clan have said that wherever we go, we will be respected by others. This is the first time I have seen someone hit our clan." The young man said, with some resentment in his voice.

Xiao Chen held his forehead with one hand, full of black lines, and said silently: "I ask you, you figure out my position, and then tell others to chase me, then should I hate you, and I am going to die? I’m afraid of offending your celestial mysteries. Of course I want to kill you, right?"

"This seems to be right." The young man scratched his head.

"You are not hopeless. Those who chase me may respect you, but I will definitely hate you. You celestial secrets are watching the secrets. How many of them have suffered because of your information. I hate you to the bone. If you let them seize the opportunity, they will use the cruelest means to deal with you."

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