Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1741: Haughty Tianji people!

"What is your name has nothing to do with me. I heard that your celestial secrets are very powerful, and you found my position, right?" Xiao Chen interrupted the young man's introduction and asked.

"Yes, the secret technique of our secret family is..."

"Okay, okay, no introduction. If you say this, they won't find me as long as I kill you, right?" Xiao Chen interrupted the young man again.

Being interrupted by Xiao Chen twice in a row, the young man's heart rose with anger, but when he heard Xiao Chen's words, his eyes appeared astonished: "You said you want to kill me?"

"Yeah, if you kill you, they won't find me, and I can save a lot of trouble, right?" Xiao Chen asked back.

"Do you know what you are talking about?" the young man asked in amazement.

"I know it naturally."

"Then do you know who I am?" the young man continued to ask.

"Aren't you a member of the Tianji tribe?"

"Then you dare to kill me?" the young man asked in amazement.

"It's weird, why don't I dare to kill you?" Xiao Chen felt that the youth was like an idiot.

"I am a member of the Ten Saint Clan, Heavenly Mystery Clan, do you dare to kill me?"

"Can't people of the top ten saints be killed?"

"Of course you can't kill, kill me, even if all of your human races are dispatched, you won't be able to save you." The young man said naturally.

"It seems that you are really an idiot. I really think that your holy race is aloof. No one dares to do it to you. Today I will try to kill you!" Xiao Chen's voice suddenly fell cold, and then he took a palm. When the youth reacted, the palm prints had already landed on him, and then the youth and palm prints disappeared at the same time.

"I even dare to kill the people of the Heavenly Mystery Clan. If you think your head is harder than the Heavenly Mystery Clan, you can just follow along. I promise you will die miserably."

Xiao Chen's indifferent gaze swept over the powerful people around him, and his voice was full of chills. Seeing Xiao Chen's indifferent gaze, many powerful people felt chills.

Even the people of the Tianji clan dare to kill, there is nothing he dare not do, and the people of the Tianji clan are not easy to kill. I am afraid that more powerful people will appear now, and it may be difficult for them to drink soup. Up.

Thinking of this, many strong men have retired. Not only can they not drink, but they can't even flatter them, so why take this risk.

Therefore, many strong men decided not to intervene in this matter, and began to slowly leave.

Xiao Chen sneered at the strong man who had started to leave, and then left, leaving only a pile of corpses and some strong men who looked at each other.

Heavenly Star Fairy Domain.

"Where is this place? What do you want to do?" The young man looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

"This is my inner world. I heard that your Tianji clan is very good at spying secrets. Then you can help me to see if there is anything unusual or new in the Sea of ​​Mist." Xiao Chen said.

"Inner world, what a joke, you can also have the inner world, and you want me to help you count the secrets, don't even think about it." The youth refused.

"Really?" Xiao Chen sneered, his mind moved, and a thunder fell out of thin air, directly smashing the young man.

"How dare you hit me?" The young man looked at Xiao Chen incredulously.


Another thunderbolt responded to him, and then thunderbolts fell. In just a few breaths, the young man had been split into blacks, which was terrible.

"Don't hack anymore, I promise to help you." The young man cried miserably, his voice full of pain.

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