Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1736: Ghost fire!

"I can feel the flame on your body." Bai Santong said lightly.

"Nether Fire?" Xiao Chen murmured, Bai Santong's purpose of inviting Xiao Chen to the White Bone Clan surprised Xiao Chen. They needed Xiao Chen's help, and the condition was that the White Bone Clan recognized Xiao Chen as the master.

Thinking of the Green Fire in the White Bone Clan surrendering to Nether Fire, I am afraid that the Bone Clan's help to Xiao Chen is also related to Nether Fire.

The Bone Clan lives in an underground cave. There are bones and gloomy green fire everywhere along the way. It is very infiltrating. Bai Santong led the two of them on the road, suddenly widened in front of him, and a huge altar appeared in front of Xiao Chen. .

There are eight pillars around the altar. There is a thick green fire on the pillars, and there is a dark lamp in the center, but there is no flame in the lamp.

Around the altar, there were many strong men of the White Bone Clan. Xiao Chen watched with both yin and yang eyes. The green fire of these strong men was much stronger than that of the white three links.

Bai Santong brought Xiao Chen to a white bone. There was a touch of gold on the forehead of this white bone. The white three Tongs respectfully said: "Patriarch, I brought you."

Xiao Chen looked at the white bones in front of him, and his eyes flashed solemnly. The green fire of the white bones in front of him was the most exuberant among the white bones, and Xiao Chen felt a terrifying power from him.

"The patriarch of the old man White Bone Clan, Tian Ze, took the liberty to invite the little friends to the White Bone Mountain Range, and please don't mind the little friends." Tian Ze arched his hands.

"The patriarch is polite, I wonder if the conditions the patriarch said are true or false?" Xiao Chen said straightforwardly.

"Naturally it is true, as long as the little friend can help the old man a favor, the old man will lead the whole family of bones to recognize the little friend as the master." Tian Ze said without hesitation.

"I don't know what kind of help the patriarch wants me to help. As long as I can do it, I will definitely not refuse." Xiao Chen said, since the whole clan can recognize him as the master, how can it be easy to help, so Xiao Chen also Did not speak up.

"Actually, this gang is very simple for the little friend, as long as the little friend lights the lamp in the center of the altar with the nether fire." Tian Tianze pointed to the middle of the altar.

"Sure enough, I came on the Netherfire." Xiao Chen knew it in his heart, and then looked at Tian Ze and said, "How did Patriarch Bai know that I have the Netherfire on my body, and what is the purpose of using the Netherfire?"

Nether Fire was left to him by Tian Yan'er. Even if Mu Yun didn't know the name and origin of Nether Fire, how did the Bone Clan know?

"It's okay to tell the little friend, but this matter is cautious, and it will even exceed the little friend's cognition. The little friend is sure to want to know and let her know." Tian Ze said, although he has no expression, but from the words , But you can feel how serious he is at this time.

"But it doesn't matter." Xiao Chen said.

"Okay, but I still hope that the two of you can keep what you heard a secret." Tian Ze said again.

The two nodded.

"Does my little friend know what our white bones depend on to sustain our lives?"

"If I guessed correctly, it should be the green fire in your Heavenly Spirit Cap." Xiao Chen said bluntly.

"The little friend is really extraordinary. It's no wonder that you can have a ghost fire. Yes, our white bones really survive by ghost fire." Tian Ze said.

"Ghost fire? It's the name of this kind of green fire." Xiao Chen said in his heart, but Dao Qing was confused because she couldn't see any green fire at all.

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