Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1735: It's her, not her!

Xiao Chen left the Lost City with some heavy weight. On the way, Dao Qing looked at Xiao Chen with a heavy face and suddenly said, "Do you know Murong Xiaoxiao?"

"Yes." Xiao Chen nodded.

"How did you meet?"

Hearing this, Xiao Chen was silent for a moment, and recounted the little things he had known Murong.

After a while, Dao Qing asked again: "Listening to your conversation, she wants to kill you too, and the reason is the same as killing me. Can you tell me why?"

"If I tell you that I may also be your half-brother, do you believe it?" Xiao Chen asked seriously.

Dao Qing looked at Xiao Chen lightly without saying a word.

Then Xiao Chen took out a portrait and gave it to Dao Qing, saying: "This is the only clue my mother left me. As for the others, I don't know anything."

Dao Qing took the portrait, and when she saw the face on the portrait, her face was shocked: "It's really her, how is this possible?"

"No, it's not her!"

"So it was her!"

"It turns out that Xiao Chen turned out to be her son, which is incredible."

Dao Qing's heart turned up against the stormy sea, but there was no expression on her face.

"Oh, what a pity." Dao Qing sighed in her heart, and then returned the portrait to Xiao Chen, saying: "This portrait is indeed exactly the same as my mother Murongxue, and you are also of the God of War family. It is very likely that you and Xiao Ling are brothers. , But I haven’t heard of them having other children."

"It seems that some things must be asked face to face." Xiao Chen solemnly closed the portrait and said.

Dao Qing said: "I know my mother's residence, I can take you there when that happens."

In fact, she had many doubts in her heart, and she wanted to figure it out.

"Well, when something happens, we will leave the barbaric ancient land." Xiao Chen said.

"It is not easy to leave the barbaric ancient land. According to my little understanding of Murong, since she has already had a showdown with you, she will definitely kill you, including me of course." Dao Qing said lightly.

"I don't want to conflict with them, we leave the Sea of ​​Lost." Xiao Chen said.

"The little demon girl of Murong's family is not talking about it, I can guarantee that she will find us, and waiting for us is absolutely beyond our imagination." Dao Qing said.

"Even if I am an enemy of the entire God Realm, I can keep you."

"If you are an enemy of the entire God Realm, what a joke? I can guarantee that we will not only face the God Realm." Dao Qing said with disdain.

"So what, if people don't offend me, I don't offend people. If people offend me, they must be repaid a hundred times." Xiao Chen said, and then the Sonny left directly.

A few days later, Xiao Chen and the two went out of the Sea of ​​Lost and came to the nearest city, then settled down and started to play.

Xiao Chen didn’t know that after they left, the entire Lost City was boiling. After hearing this news, countless races didn’t believe it at first, but as each race confirmed, they had to believe it if they didn’t. Powerful men of all races came out.

The White Bone Mountain Range, here is the site of the White Bone Clan. Above the White Bone Mountain Range, a Shenzhou appeared suddenly. On the Shenzhou were three figures, Xiao Chen, Dao Qing, and the white three links they had met before.

"How did you find me?" Xiao Chen glanced at the white tee in surprise. A few days ago, the white tee suddenly found Xiao Chen and invited Xiao Chen to the White Bone Clan's residence.

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