Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1730: Big explosion!

In addition to fearing the prestige of the weasel family, it is also because this yellow gas is the natural magical power of the weasel family. When you smell this smell, it means that you have been marked by the weasel family.

As long as Huang Lang is willing, he can perceive the opponent's location at any time, and he can be chronically poisoned, even if his divine power cannot completely eliminate him.

"Don't understand? Then I'll just say it again, I said you are weak, but I am strong, I don't need to reason with you, now I can understand it." Xiao Chen said with a smile.

As his voice fell, many races felt a lot more comfortable in their hearts, because this sentence was what the weasel family usually said to them, and now they feel very comfortable when they hear others say this to the weasel family.

"Looking for death!" Huang Lang's expression was cold and he slapped a palm directly at Xiao Chen volley. A palm print made of yellow gas was directly photographed. Xiao Chen also sensed the power of his origin from it.

"Fire fist!" Xiao Chen smashed the fire fist. The next moment, Xiao Chen's expression changed slightly, and he quickly retreated holding Dao Qing and Murong Ye.

"If you want to escape, can you escape?" Huang Lang said coldly, just about to continue chasing, but he heard the popping sound, he was slightly startled, then his face changed slightly, and he also began to retreat.

Everyone was slightly surprised when they watched the two retreating, and then a sense of danger came. Everyone was shocked and immediately began to retreat, but it was too late. A violent explosion swept across the weasel family. Be the first to be involved.

The three of Xiao Chen who fled with Shi Zhanyi, the other two were staring at the big explosion in amazement, only Xiao Chen was a little surprised.

"I'm a good boy, the weasel family actually used farts to attack, and there is so much gas. I knew I didn't need a fire fist to cause such a big explosion."

After the big bang, many strong men appeared with gray heads and faces, and the weasel took a gloomy look at the many buildings destroyed by the big bang. Such a big movement might have alarmed those people too.

Sure enough, the next moment, three figures came like a stream of light, and soon the three figures fell in front of everyone. The leader was an exceptionally beautiful and enchanting woman. Behind her was a young man with a hot glow. , And the other is also a woman, although her appearance is not as beautiful as the leader, but it is not bad at all. The most noticeable thing is that the woman has three eyes and has a strange beauty.

After seeing the headed woman, the weasel was slightly relieved.

"Participate in three law enforcers!"

After seeing the three, all the strong salute respectfully, but Murongye's face changed drastically when he saw the three.

"Who are the three of them?" Xiao Chen asked Murongye after stopping for a few moments on the headed woman.

"The three of them are the law enforcers organized by the ten saints in order to maintain the stability of the lost city. They are personally appointed by the ten saints. The leading woman is from the nine-tailed fox clan, named Yuhe, the **** of creation. The strong man, the man behind him belongs to the Golden Crow clan, named Jin Zhilun, the same creation **** powerhouse, the last woman is from the three-eyed saint clan, named Li Shang, who is also a creation **** powerhouse."

Murongye introduced, and then desperately said: "This is over. The weasel clan is a subsidiary force of the nine-tailed fox clan. I am afraid that even the little lady will not be able to save us now."

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