Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1729: The weak will make sense!

"You did it first. All of you present are witnesses. If that's the case, don't blame me." Xiao Chen shook his arm a few times, and the next moment the wing flashed, and then bang bang. After a few noises, apart from the wretched young man, the remaining weasels were all lying on the ground, wailing.

"So strong, the weasel clan has no place to resist."

Everyone looked at Xiao Chen in shock.

Murongye was also a little shocked, but what followed was infinite fear, "This is completely offending the weasel family."

The movement here has long attracted the attention of many other races. After all, watching liveliness is the nature of any creature. At this time, seeing the weasel tribe being beaten by the human race is a bit weird.

And just at this moment, there were a few broken noises, and when they saw the headed person, their expressions changed.

"He is the strongest Tianjiao Huang Lang of the weasel clan, this is the real creation **** who is less than a hundred years old."

"Huang Lang originally looked down upon the Human Race. Now that his people have been beaten by the Human Race, he will definitely be extremely angry. It seems that there is a good show. I don't know if this Human Race will kneel down and beg for mercy!"

When many powerful people saw this group of figures, they talked a lot.

Huang Lang glanced at the people on the ground, then his eyes fell on Xiao Chen, his eyes full of coldness.

"Did you hit my people?"

Huang Lang looked at Xiao Chen with a hint of doubt in his eyes. He could naturally see that Xiao Chen had only four levels of divine majesty, but his people were at least high in divine majesty, so how could so many people be beaten by a lower class human race Into this.

"I can make it clear in advance that it was their first hand. I just counterattack passively. If you don't believe it, everyone nearby is a witness." Xiao Chen said with a smile.

When Xiao Chen's words fell, Huang Lang frowned slightly. Xiao Chen's words clearly occupied a favorable position. It is the consensus of all races not to do anything in the Lost City, but everyone knows that strength is respected here. In the world, only the weak will take it seriously.

The weasel family are naturally not weak, Huang Lang naturally did not take this seriously, and said coldly: "I don't care who did it first, but you have to pay a price for hitting my people."

"You are unreasonable!" Xiao Chen counted angrily.

"Only the weak can make sense, the strong don't make sense, the strong speak with strength." Huang Lang said coldly.

"It would be fine if you said that earlier. I wasted a long time talking. It turns out that the strong and the weak don't need to be reasonable. If this is the case, then I don't need to explain to you. Let's go first. Bye. Xiao Chen laughed, and then took Dao Qing and left.

Hearing that, everyone's eyes flashed a stunned color, and even Huang Lang was stunned. Hearing what Xiao Chen meant, they said that the weasel clan is weak, and he is the strong?


Suddenly a powerful aura burst out of Huang Lang. After feeling this aura, everyone's expressions gradually became serious. They knew that Huang Lang was completely angry.

"Human kid, what do you mean by that sentence? Someone is telling me again."

Huang Lang said coldly, his voice was full of chill, and at the same time a yellow gas appeared around him, a stinking odor came, but the people nearby did not dare to move or show disgust.

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