Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1702: All resurrected!

The veritable death forest.

Xiao Chen took out the Golden Origin Orb and the Fire Origin Orb, feeling the movement of the two Origin Orbs, and soon he felt the two Origin Orbs moving in a certain direction.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed, and he had stepped into the Forest of Death, and there was a sound of breaking through the sky in this deathly quiet forest.

"Host, open the eyes of yin and yang."

Suddenly the system prompt sounded in his mind, Xiao Chen was startled, but still opened the Yin and Yang eyes, and after opening the Yin and Yang eyes, Xiao Chen suddenly saw a green light lasing towards him.

Xiao Chen's wings dodged subconsciously, and the green light shot into a big tree behind him, and there was no sound.

"What is that?" Xiao Chen glanced at the big tree behind him, and asked in his heart.

"That's the light radiating from the Wood Origin Orb unconsciously. If it is shot by it, the vitality in the body will burst out instantly, and the result of all vitality being stimulated will become a big tree." The system's indifferent voice made Xiao Xiao Chen was startled, the strong man in his memory suddenly became a big tree, was he hit by this green light?

The green light was silent, and Xiao Chen wouldn't be able to find it if it weren't for the yin and yang eyes.

At this moment, another green light lased. Xiao Chen glanced at the green light, dodged in an instant, and then galloped away in the direction where the green light came.

The closer to the depths, the denser the green light appears. Even Xiao Chen dodges in a hurry. There is no way. He once tried to attack the green light, but it didn't work at all. The green light shuttled directly from the original force and continued to move forward. .

The system has said that the reason for this is because the original power of the Essence Orb is far stronger than the original power that Xiao Chen possesses.

"System, it's time for you to take action. If I were walking forward, I would turn into a big tree." Xiao Chen said, and then white light appeared on his body again.

"Keep going." The system said indifferently.

Seeing the white light on his body, Xiao Chen galloped forward again, and soon a green bead appeared in Xiao Chen's line of sight, and the white light surrounded the bead directly.

Soon, the Wood Origin Orb was sealed and fell into Xiao Chen's hands. Without the support of the Origin Orb, the green light disappeared instantly. At the same time, the scene in front of him was directly dumbfounded.

Without the Origin Orb, without the green light, Xiao Chen noticed that the big trees flashed by green light, and then turned into a figure to appear, and the same scene happened everywhere in the Death Forest.

Not only humans, but also extraterritorial demons, races that Xiao Chen didn't know, divine beasts, and fierce beasts, the entire forest instantly recovered the same scene as other forests.

"Those are not the Xuanyuan clan, the Chiyou clan's seniors who were turned into big trees, and the aura, that is the emperor's friend who killed the emperor. After so many years, they have not died. I am a good boy. ,What's the matter?"

Xiao Chen's eyes were full of shock.

"Kill the emperor!"

"It's you old ghosts!" After feeling the breath of each other, these powerhouses instantly began to compete with the evil demons outside the territory, and a battle broke out instantly.

Strong auras continued to erupt, no less than Xuanyuan's destruction of them, and the entire Forest of Death had become a battlefield.

"Then your sister is going to do it?" Xiao Chen was a little dumbfounded, there were battles everywhere, even Xiao Chen was affected.

"Should I leave like this, or watch them fight."

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