Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1701: Forest of Death!

"Call me son in the future." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Yes, son!" Xiangdi said, then turned and left, and the two phantoms also returned to the battle flag. Xiao Chen took all the bodies of the three saints into the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory, and in every saint's body Surrounded by a large number of origin stones.

Later, Xiao Chen returned to the holy city with Emperor Kai.


"The three giants of the extraterritorial evil spirits, two deaths and one fall?" When he heard the news from Xiao Chen, Xuanyuanmie, Chizhang, and Huang Xiao didn't believe it at all, but after several clan elders personally proved that the three had already If you don't believe it, you have to believe it. At this time, they were shocked, and Xuanyuan Lin'er had been looking at the indifferent Emperor Kay, her eyes full of worship.

"Those sealed extraterritorial evil spirits are dead, and Emperor Xiang has surrendered. Extraterritorial evil spirits are not enough to be afraid of. I plan to leave here in a while," Xiao Chen said.

"Leave here?" The three of them were taken aback, then their eyes were happy, but the next moment, the three of them were depressed at the same time.

"The messenger, in fact, there is only one way to leave here, and that is to pass through the Forest of Death, and the Forest of Death is the most terrifying place in the Tomb of Death. For some reason, any strong person will become There is no way to avoid a tree," Xuanyuan Lumie said, with palpitations in his eyes.

Needless to say about Xuanyuan Mie, Xiao Chen also knows the horror of the Forest of Death. At the beginning, there were not only so many powerful people, no matter the evil demon outside the territory or the holy city, no matter whether the two sides were reconciled to stay here, they naturally wanted to go out, the Emperor and a strength. No less than his friends went to the Forest of Death and wanted to leave, but in the Forest of Death, Emperor Shang saw his friend turned into a tree with his own eyes. Had he not run fast, he would also become a tree. Trees.

It is precisely because of this that they completely cut off their thoughts of going out. This memory has become the memory that Emperor Shang is most afraid of, and the culprit of all this is the Origin Orb of Wood.

"I naturally have a way to go out. What I want to ask is, what are your plans next? After all, your mission is completed, and there is no point in staying here."

Xiao Chen said, and when Xiao Chen's voice fell, the three of them were a little confused. They had fought with the evil demon outside the territory for almost a lifetime, and suddenly they won, but they were confused.

"If you have believed in me, you can go to my inner world first, and I can take you out of here."

As Xiao Chen's voice fell, the battle flag shook for a while, and then several clan elders' thoughts came.

After a while, the three said in unison: "We are willing to accompany our ancestors."

"Okay, then you make arrangements. We will leave here in a month."

"Yes, messenger."


A month later, both the holy city and the evil demon tribe outside the territory were empty, and everyone dragged their families into the Celestial Immortal Territory.

According to the memory in his mind, Xiao Chen left alone towards the Forest of Death. After a long journey for ten days, a dense forest appeared in Xiao Chen's sight.

The towering trees are taller than the behemoths of war, and there is almost no sunlight in the forest, which looks extremely gloomy.

"Is this the Forest of Death? The tropical rain forest in the previous life is nothing compared to this place." Xiao Chen looked at the Forest of Death in front of him, his eyes were full of shock, and the Forest of Death gave people a kind of death. Quiet, and in the memory of Emperor Shang, there are no creatures in the Forest of Death, not even birds and insects.

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