Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1631: Tiandao Villa Plow Fei Fei!

Of course, there are also powerful people who are not afraid of death, and soon there will be a **** emperor five-fold powerhouse with three **** emperors and many **** emperors, blocking the front of God of War Zhou.

"It turns out that it is the junior of the God of War family who participated in the battle to seize the throne, so swaggering through the market, kid, are you bragging?" The **** emperor's five-layer powerhouse divine consciousness glanced at the powerhouse on the God of War boat and said gloomily.

"Is it a bluff? You'll know if you try it." Xiao Chen said lightly.

Hearing that, a gloomy color flashed on the face of this strong man, and he was a little unpredictable why the other party did this, and for some reason, he always felt a sense of danger, although he did not know where the danger came from.

"Let's retreat first." The strong man said, and then retreated, but they did not leave there, but just like most strong men, they followed behind.

"Strange, why do I feel that the kid showed a disappointed look? Is it my illusion?" The strong man murmured strangely.

"Why do I feel that doing this is counterproductive." Xiao Chen glanced at the more and more powerful people behind him. These powerful people followed closely behind him but didn't do anything, making Xiao Chen very helpless.

"I am afraid that you are the first to cross the chaotic sea of ​​stars so arrogantly. It is strange that they are not cautious." Xiao Wuqing said helplessly.

"Hey, if no one did it, I would be really disappointed." Xiao Chen sighed.

Just as Xiao Chen's voice fell, a group of people appeared in front of him. This group of people looked completely different from those of Luan Xinghai, because they had no intention of hiding their identities at all.

The leader was a handsome and somewhat arrogant young man with a folding fan in his hand, followed by many young talents, guards, and maids, and beside him, there were two old men who exuded a frightening atmosphere.

Brother Young Master looked at the long spear exuding treasure in Xiao Chen's hand, and asked lightly: "What level of artifact is yours, bring it over and let me see."

There was a high and undoubted tone in the son's voice.

"It's him, the plow and Feihui of Tiandao Villa!"

"It seems that he is ready to do it. It's over, this kid is over."

"Yes, Li Feihui's status in Tiandao Mountain Villa was originally high, and he made a lot of friends. Whether it is the God of War family or the younger generation of Murong family, he has many friends."

"Furthermore, the people in Tiandao Villa are extremely powerful, and they are not weaker than the bloodline supernatural powers of the God of War family. No matter if this kid is bravado or really capable, he can only admit that he is unlucky for what Li Feifei fancyed him! "

Many people recognized the identity of the son, and talked a lot.

"I want, come and get it myself." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Interesting." Li Feifei smiled faintly, and then the folding fan in his hand closed and said lightly: "Take what is in his hand, let me take a look."

"It's the son!" The son of the son fell, and a guard of the **** emperor realm responded, and then stepped out and caught Xiao Chen.

"Your strength is too weak. If you want something in my hand, let's go together!" Xiao Chen's faint voice fell, and then he hit the palm of the guard grabbed with a punch.

There was a loud noise, and the guard of the **** emperor was directly blown back with a punch. After steadying his figure, he glanced at Xiao Chen with some fear.

"A mere divine emperor, there is such a power, really has some ability!"

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