Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1630: Swagger!

An Yanran looked at Xiao Chen, her eyes narrowed slightly: "It is worthy of being an SS-level mission target. With such a cultivation speed and combat power, if you are a killer, your achievements will definitely be higher than mine. Should you stop killing him? It might be a good choice to get to the ghost prison."

Xiao Chen didn't expect at all that his all-out effort in order to improve his strength as soon as possible would make everyone think so much, clean up the spoils, and then Xiao Chen returned to the God of War Boat.

"The one hundred and forty-seventh line of Xiao Yang and his sister Xiao Yuan, thank you for your help." After Xiao Chen returned to the God of War, the boys and girls immediately stepped forward and said respectfully.

Xiao Chen nodded faintly, and did not reply. At this time, Xiao Yuan looked at Xiao Chen with admiration and said, "What is your name, will you be my idol?"

"Sister, don't be rude!" Xiao Yuan hurriedly reprimanded.

"Idol?" Xiao Chen laughed and said, "Is it the object of vomiting? I think it's better to forget it."

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen walked to the front of the cabin, Ling Tian in his hand suddenly burst into heaven, shining everywhere.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Xiao Yuan was stunned. Just when she didn't understand what she meant, she suddenly saw the soaring gas, everyone was taken aback.

"What is he doing?"

"Xiao Chen, what are you doing? This treasure will attract many powerful people?" Deng Gaozhuo asked hurriedly, his eyes full of anxiety.

"Yang Yan, ever-changing, Shi Jingtian, Xiao Sihai, pretty young, ready to fight!" Xiao Chen ignored Deng Gaozhuo, just stood up and said solemnly.

"Understand the son!"

An Yanran seemed to understand something suddenly, and looked at Xiao Chen and said, "This girl also wants to participate. How can I be missing from such a fun thing."

Xiao Chen looked at An Yanran, then nodded: "Okay, count you!"

"This kind of thing is fun only if you are a violent woman." Shenyu said coldly, and then looked at Xiao Chen: "You are crazy and crazy enough, kid, but I like it. How about me?"

Called a boy by Chang Qianqian's apprentice, Xiao Chen was speechless, but he nodded seriously: "Count you."

At this time, An Yanran looked at Deng Gaozhuo and said, "Little fat man, Aunt Xia told you to follow us not for the sake of happiness. You must participate in battles in the future, otherwise you will not blame this girl for torturing you thousands of times!"

Hearing this, Deng Gaozhuo shuddered, thinking of the scene of being beaten by An Yanran when he was a child, and his body shivered involuntarily.

"Brother, what do they want to do?" Xiao Yuan asked Xiao Yang in confusion.

"I don't know." Xiao Yang also shook his head.

"They want to attract those who are greedy for magic weapons through the treasure of magic weapons, and then improve themselves through battle. These little guys are not easy." The old servant behind them said solemnly.

"What?" Xiao Yang and Xiao Yuan were shocked when they heard this. You must know that here is the sea of ​​chaos, and the most important thing is the powerful villains. If you do this, the number of powerful people will be hard to imagine.

Most people are cautious when passing through the sea of ​​chaos, for fear of encountering strong people in the sea of ​​chaos, you may be better off, and even take the initiative to attract the strong.

Xiao Chen was holding Ling Tian, ​​which exuded precious aura, and the God of War boat moved forward slowly, and soon gathered many powerful men around, but these people did not immediately rush up. Xiao Chen took the treasure and swaggered across the market. The appearance of coming over to grab, such an abnormality must be strange.

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