Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1613: Real black hand!

Ao Longhuang sneered, "You are right, I was not allowed to shoot so early, after all, I still know how good you are, but..."

"Just what?"

"It's just that our young master can't wait to get your two beauties." At this moment, a faint voice sounded, and then two figures appeared beside Ao Longhuang, one middle-aged and one middle-aged. Young woman.

It was the middle-aged man who just spoke.

"Black and white double dragons!" After seeing the two, Xia Ruoxi and Cheng Qingling said at the same time. They are very familiar with the two. The male body is the black dragon, the female body is the white dragon, and the two are also powerful creation gods.

"It is our husband and wife, the Tide Demon, and the Queen of Flames. Our young master misses you two very much. We specifically asked us to invite you two to be guests." Bai Long said lightly.

"So that's the case, I just said why Ao Longhuang would dare to do something to me, it turns out that there is a way behind it that cannot be supported." Xia Ruoxi said.

"Haoyang, it seems that you betrayed me because you climbed the high branch!" Cheng Qingling also looked at Haoyang.

Haoyang didn't speak, but his expression already explained everything.

Deng Gaozhuo and others were completely dumbfounded, they didn't understand what happened.

"The way is impossible, the young owner of the three holy land Tiandao Villa, you dare to hit the attention of my wives. If you don't kill you, I am not Xiao Chen." A cold light flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes.

"Two, please follow us, our young master doesn't like waiting for someone." Heilong said lightly.

"Hahaha, Dao can't be a big deal, so he is worthy of an old lady?" Cheng Qingling suddenly laughed and said disdainfully.

"I can't do that, and I dare to hit the attention of the two of us at the same time. He really wants to eat swan meat." Xia Ruoxi said with disdain.

The words of the two made the black and white Shuanglong stunned. Just about to get angry, they found that the inner world of Xia Ruoxi and Cheng Qingling had already emerged behind them.

Xia Ruoxi waved, Xiao Chen and others appeared in her inner world, and then the two light clusters grew bigger and bigger, one water and one fire, dazzling.

"How is it possible?" Seeing the two light groups that suddenly appeared, and feeling the powerful power in the light groups, Emperor Ao Long and Black and White Ssangyong both had dramatic changes in their faces, especially Emperor Ao Long, who even had a look of fear in their eyes.

Boom, with a loud noise, Ao Longhuang's inner world was blown up by the inner world of the two.

The next moment, everyone reappeared in the starry sky, Xia Ruoxi and Cheng Qingling stood together, faintly looking at Emperor Ao Long and Black and White Shuanglong.

At this time, Emperor Ao Long was covered with blood, his breath was chaotic, and his face was full of fear and unwillingness.

"It's a pity that, as soon as we broke through the creation **** realm, we dared to include the two of us in our own inner world. It seems that the **** realm is missing another strong creation god." Xia Ruoxi said lightly.

At this time, Zhuo Xueshan and others looked at Ao Longhuang with sluggishness. The strongest genius of the Sea Clan was disbanded from the inner world and became a disuse not long after breaking through the creation god!

This makes them impossible to imagine.

"You two weren't injured. How is this possible? We clearly perceive that your inner world is shrinking, and your fight is impossible to fake." Black Dragon said in disbelief.

"There is nothing impossible. With the two of you, it is impossible to be our opponents. Go back and tell you that you can't. If one day, he can break through the gods of good fortune and come to us." Xia Ruoxi said lightly.

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