Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1612: Sea clan conspiracy!

Xiao Chen glanced at Yang Yan weirdly, and said, "Not bad, you can guess it all."

Hearing that, Yang Yan was speechless for a while, and everyone else was speechless. So many of us were watching the battle between the two creation gods. Why didn't we break through, only you broke through.

Moreover, as a **** emperor, they can't see anything. You, a **** emperor, still have some insights?

Deng Gaozhuo also stared at Xiao Chen firmly, Xiao Chen ignored him at all, just watched the two light **** continuously collide, although he could not see anything clearly.

As time passed, the two light groups became weaker and weaker. Then, Xia Ruoxi and Cheng Qingling's figures appeared in front of everyone. At this time, both of them were a little panting. The breath on their bodies was extremely unstable. Blood emerged.

"Are these two people put together like this?" Xiao Chen said in his heart, and seeing the appearance of the two, whether it was Haoyang or Zhuo Xueshan and the others, it was a joy.

At this moment, everyone suddenly felt their eyes light up, and then Xiao Chen and the others discovered that they were in a sea area, surrounded by an empty space.

"Welcome the Tidal Devil and the Queen of Flames to my world!" A voice sounded abruptly, and everyone looked at, a guy with a human fish head appeared in front of everyone, looking at Xia Ruoxi and Cheng Qingling with a sneer.

"Dragon Emperor, it turned out to be you, have you broken through the creation **** realm?" Xia Ruoxi said in surprise when she looked at the incoming person.

"If you can break through, this emperor can naturally break through." Ao Longhuang said faintly, a look of arrogance flashed in his eyes.

Xia Ruoxi's expression changed, and then a little gloomy said: "You deliberately let this seat discover that you are following Gao Zhuo, and you are also deliberately attracting people from the Flame God Cult, so that we will lose both?"

"The Tide Demon is really smart." Ao Longhuang said lightly, and then glanced at Zhuo Xueshan who appeared next to him, her eyes full of admiration.

Elder Bei, who was next to Zhu Xueshan, also changed his complexion. He knew that he had also become a **** of Zhu Xueshan. In their plan, they just grabbed Deng Gaozhuo, then controlled him, and slowly eroded the Demon Cult.

But now it seems that their goal from the beginning was the Tidal Demon.

Cheng Qingling's expression also changed, and then stared at Haoyang, and said gloomily, "Haoyang, what's going on?"

Hao Yang looked at Cheng Qingling with a smile on his face and said, "Master, I'm really sorry, it was the disciple who lied to you, so that you and the Tidal Demon would lose both."

"Why do you want to do this? The teacher has asked yourself for so many years, why are you betraying me like a parent and child?" Cheng Qingling asked in disbelief.

"Master, I don't want to, but I really can't help it." Hao Yang said helplessly.

"I don't care what you are because of, but you know your temper as a teacher. Are you ready to bear the anger of your old lady?" Cheng Qingling said with anger.

Haoyang spread his hands and said nothing.

Xia Ruoxi looked at Emperor Ao Long, "Emperor Ao Long, although you have broken through to the God of Creation, you have just broken through. Even if the two of us are injured, you can still break your broken world. Arrived."

"Tidal Devil, it seems that we are going to join forces once this time. If we don't kill this person who deceives the master and destroys the ancestor, the old lady will not give up." Cheng Qingling said.

"Well, just agree with me." Xia Ruoxi nodded, then looked at Ao Longhuang, and said coldly: "Ao Longhuang, you are too anxious, if you can stabilize your cultivation base, maybe we two will really fall. In your hands."

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