Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1581: God Emperor Realm Boy!

On the God of War boat, the atmosphere was very tense, sparks were constantly rubbing between An Yanran and the young man, and no one would let anyone else.

"Yang Yan, can you see the cultivation level of this young man?" Xiao Chen said through voice transmission.

"Divine Emperor Realm, comparable to An Yanran." Yang Yan said with a solemn voice.

It was really because the teenager looked too young, several years younger than Xiao Chen and the others, but they were about the same age as An Yanran.

Such a young God Emperor Realm powerhouse, and also so familiar with An Yanran, I am afraid his identity is not simple.

An Yanran and the young man looked at each other, and then the two directly rushed out of the God of War. Xiao Wuqing looked at him and wanted to punch someone. The two of them didn't even say hello. The defense of the God of War was just like a piece of paper. The two were destroyed.

When the two came to the starry sky, An Yanran's figure disappeared in an instant, but the young man turned into a blue light directly. Everyone could only see a blue light, and nothing else.

It's just that from time to time I can hear the impact sound from the collision.

Xiao Chen looked at Shi Jingtian and asked, "Do you know the identity of that boy?"

"I don't know." Shi Jingtian shook his head, and then said the matter again.

In fact, Shi Jingtian also has a younger brother who was taken away by slave traders a few years ago, and the reason why he set up the thief was to inquire about his younger brother.

And the young man in front of him was accidentally encountered. He found that the mad shark thief was capturing the young man, and the young man was very much like his brother, so he led the sky shaking thief and the mad shark thief to fight together.

Xiao Chen was a little speechless, but the young man was a strong **** emperor, so he needed his help.

Even Xiao Chen couldn't see clearly the battle between An Yanran and the young man in the starry sky, but there was one thing, the young man was as fast as the Shenyu clan of Tianhuozhou.

Half an hour later, the fighting between the two stopped, and the two reappeared on the God of War boat, An Yanran was proud, and the boy was bruised like an eggplant hit by Frost.

"Slug, I want to teach this girl, you are a little bit too close." An Yanran said triumphantly.

"Huh, violent woman, wait." The young man snorted, then sat aside, silent.

An Yanran smiled triumphantly, and then Zhan Shenzhou continued to head towards Sihaizhou.

On the same day, God of War came to Sihaizhou, everyone found a place to live, and then Xiao Chen found Variety, He Yangyan.

"You two will help me with one thing."

"My son, what's the matter?"

"You find the location of the Baihua Auction House in Sihaizhou and destroy it." Xiao Chen said. The task of destroying the Baihua Auction House has not been completed, and the headquarters of the Baihua Auction House is in Sihaizhou. With their two **** emperors, destroy Baihua. The auction house is not difficult.

"Yes, son!" The two took orders and left.

Soon after the two left, An Yanran found Xiao Chen, "The two have left. You are not afraid that this girl will kill you now."

"Not afraid." Xiao Chen said, "If you wanted to kill me, you would have done it a long time ago."

"Hmph, this girl must kill you in front of the two **** emperors to complete the task." An Yanran snorted, then her eyes rolled.

"I didn't expect you to be a warrior of the God of War family. To discuss something, you take this girl and Shen Yu to the Kingdom of God of War to see, how about?"

"Shen Yu?"

"It's the slug." An Yanran said.

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