Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1580: Facing each other!

Seeing Xiao Chen ignore him, a trace of anger flashed in Kuang Sha's eyes, and then he gestured to the person behind him, and the person behind him nodded, and a jade card appeared in his hand.

Xiao Wuqing glanced at the wild shark, and then said to Xiao Chen: "That person has a jade card for communication in his hand, it should be to inform the person behind him."

"It's okay." Xiao Chen said lightly, just looking at Shi Jingtian.

Shi Jingtian's expression kept changing. After a while, he suddenly looked at Xiao Chen and said, "If you can save us, I will recognize you as the master."

"Haha, it's easy to say." Xiao Chen laughed, conquering the illusionary eye, but there is still a task.

Afterwards, Xiao Chen looked at Mad Shark and said lightly: "I want to take these people away, do you have any comments?"

A trace of anger flashed in Mad Shark's eyes, but the God of War family was not something he could offend. He pointed to the boy and said, "You can take away the thieves, but you must stay with that boy."

Shi Jingtian pulled the boy behind him, staring at the crazy shark coldly, and said firmly: "You never want to take him away."

"You saw it too." Xiao Chen looked at the crazy shark lightly.

A cold color flashed in the eyes of Mad Shark, and then he said gloomily: "You can go now."

With a wave of the mad shark's hand, all the mad shark thieves were removed.

"Let's go." Xiao Chen said, and then Shi Jingtian brought the young man to the God of War Boat, and the other Tian Jingtian thieves hurriedly followed.

Until the **** of war left, a strong man behind Crazy Shark came to Crazy Shark and said: "Pirate Lord, shall we let them go like this?"

"What if you don't let it go? The battle for the battle of the God of War family is about to start. No one can do anything against the war son of the God of War family, otherwise it will be a provocation to the God of War family. We don't know how to die."

Mad Shark said, and then there was a sneer in his eyes: "Looking at their appearance, they should be heading to Sihaizhou. Sihaizhou is the owner's site, and the owner can do it on them."

"I have forgotten that our master is also a war son of the God of War family, there is a good show."


On the God of War boat, Xiao Chen looked at Shi Jingtian and asked, "Are you still doing the slave trade?"

"I have already planned to wash my hands in the golden basin." Shi Jingtian pulled out the young man behind him: "Because I found my long-lost brother."

"I'm not your brother." The boy said coldly.

"You are exactly the same as my brother. From now on, you will be my own brother and I will take care of you." Shi Jingtian said.

"Take care of me? I don't know who takes care of whom." The young man said coldly, and then looked at An Yanran with an unusual smile on his face.

"Unexpectedly, I would meet you here, long time no see."

"Who is this girl? Isn't this the slug that has a runny nose all day?" An Yanran sneered.

"I haven't seen you in a few years, you are a violent woman, and you still have no mercy." The boy said coldly.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you in a few years. You slug has grown up, how about it? Are you interested in having a fight with this girl."

"That's what I meant. I was beaten by you before. I'm about to be beaten back."

The young man stared at An Yanran, and An Yanran stared at the young man coldly. The two diametrically opposed no one!

Xiao Chen glanced at the young man in surprise, and the young man in front of him actually met An Yanran, and listening to their conversations, they were old acquaintances, which was interesting.

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