Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1566: Xiao Wuhai appeared!

"Alright, kill them, the things on them are not all ours." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"The son is right, but son, I still have an idea." Yang Yan said.

"What idea?"

"We came to Baichuanzhou for the first time and we are not familiar with the place where we were born. If Ling Tianzong wants to gain a foothold here, we need some manpower!"

"Do you want to subdue them?" Xiao Chen glanced at the remaining Divine Emperor powerhouses, and then disdainfully said: "A group of idiots, despicable and shameless, and weak in strength, what is the use of them."

"Although they are weak, they can still run errands," Yang Yan said.

The dialogue between Xiao Chen and Yang Yan made the expressions of the powers of the **** emperor extremely ugly. They are the power of the gods, and they are the overlord wherever they go. When have they been arranged like this, but they dare not be angry. Dare to speak.

"Okay, then do what you said." Xiao Chen nodded. In fact, Xiao Chen also has his own ideas. The power of the gods can be regarded as intermediate combat power, and it is impossible for Ling Tianzong to stay in Tianhuozhou all the time. To continue to expand, manpower and combat power are indispensable.

Yang Yan nodded, and then looked at the strong gods and said indifferently: "Hand over a wisp of spirit and surrender to my son, you can spare your lives, otherwise you will be the dead souls under the fire of the Golden Crow."

As the voice fell, flames ignited on Yang Yan's fingers, and a terrifying law of flame spread.

Looking at the flame in Yang Yan's hand, the eyes of these **** emperors were full of palpitations. Forced by the horrible scene and the coercion of Yang Yan, the remaining eleven **** emperors all chose to surrender.

Of the thirteen gold rank forces, one was gone, one died, and the remaining eleven all surrendered, which made those silver rank forces dare not imagine.

The humpbacked **** emperor looked at this scene, also full of shock.

"Papa! Papa! Papa! Good means, it was easy to subdue the eleven God Emperor powerhouses. It is really a good means." At this moment, as a clapping sound fell, a faint voice sounded.

The voice fell, and several figures appeared in mid-air. The head was a young man dressed in purple with extraordinary attitude, followed by an old man and three men. In addition, there were several beside him who were not ordinary people. woman.

After the purple-clothed youth appeared, it instantly attracted everyone's attention.

The purple-clothed youth faintly looked at Xiao Chen and said, "First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Xiao Wuhai. I am the Patriarch of the 170th branch and the person behind the Baihua Auction House."

"It turns out that you are Xiao Wuhai. I wanted to find you, but I didn't expect you to appear. This saves a lot of trouble!"

Xiao Chen looked at Xiao Wuhai with a smile on the corners of his mouth. With such a big event at Baihua Auction House, how could Xiao Wuhai as the person behind the scenes do not know, but he did not expect that he would appear at this moment.

It seems that Xiao Wuhai has been hiding nearby.

"Look for me, what's up with me?" Xiao Wuhai was a little confused.

"Beat you!" Xiao Chen smiled.

"Beat me?" Xiao Wuhai's eyes flashed disdain, and then looked at Xiao Chen and said, "You demolished Baihua Auction House and wanted to beat me again. If I remember correctly, we don't know each other. What kind of grudge?"

"It's not without grievances, you want to forcibly marry my Ling Tianzong girl, and the clansmen who arrested my junior sister are auctioned here. Are these grievances?" Xiao Chen said.

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