Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1565: Kill instantly!

Xiao Chen didn't have much hatred with the group of people in front of him, but was just a group of idiots who were dazzled by profits.

But Xiao Chen couldn't just let them go like this.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, these strong men's expressions tightened, and those who were thinking about changing quickly, immediately took out a storage ring, put them in both hands, and respectfully said: "My son, I am willing to take out all the treasures brought out this time. , As compensation for offending the son."

Xiao Chen took over the storage ring and swept away his spiritual thoughts. There are millions of crystals under the ranks alone. "It is worthy of the golden power, and the family is rich!"

"Count your acquaintances, get out!"

"Thank you son!"

When the other emperors saw this, their eyes moved slightly, and then another emperor came forward with a storage ring in his hand.

"My son, this is the compensation below!" The **** emperor said cautiously, his entire head lowered, looking very humble.

Xiao Chen faintly accepted the storage ring, and at this moment, the strong eyes of the **** emperor flashed sharply. When Xiao Chen took the storage ring, he suddenly launched a trouble. It looked like he obviously wanted to hijack Xiao Chen.

A sneak attack by the **** emperor at such a close range would be difficult for even the average **** emperor to be able to guard against, but Xiao Chen never believed in these **** emperors from the beginning to the end, and at the moment he moved, Xiao Chen was in his hand. There is already a chill.

"Ice Age!" As the indifferent voice fell, this **** emperor was instantly frozen, but the next moment, he had already broken out.

But at this moment, another indifferent voice fell.

"Set!" As the voice fell, the expression of the strong **** emperor was stagnant, and then a cold light flashed, and a great head flew out and met a ball of flame in mid-air, and then nothing was left.

In front of Xiao Chen, there was only a headless corpse spurting blood, stimulating the nerves of every strong man.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for upgrading, currently the Seventh King of God!"

In an instant, Xiao Chen was in full state, his divine power was restored, and his skill cooling was restored.

The rest of the **** emperor experts all looked at this scene with horror.

"A strong **** king unexpectedly attacked a strong **** king, you are not only idiots, but also despicable and shameless." Xiao Chen's sneer voice sounded in the ears of these strong people.

The complexion of all the strong gods changed, their faces were shocked, not believable, and shocked.

"How is it possible? That guy is the God Emperor's three-tier powerhouse. Under such a close attack, even the God-Emperor's four-tier powerhouse will definitely die. How could he be a God King powerhouse and complete the counter-kill in an instant. "

All the strong were shocked.

The same is true for the humpback emperor.

"The law of ice is another force of law. If I remember correctly, the law of poison, the law of flame, the law of gravity, plus the law of ice, he has already used the four laws. What is he doing? Did it?"

The hunchback **** emperor was full of shock.

Xiao Chen stared coldly at the remaining God Emperor powerhouses, indifferent: "You said, what should this school do with you."

"This son, we are not in the same force as him, we have no intention of being an enemy of the son, and we also ask the son to open up."

Immediately there was a strong God Emperor, respectfully said.

"My son, these guys are not enough to believe, so why don't I burn them all with a torch." Yang Yan appeared in front of Xiao Chen, coldly looking at the surrounding God Emperor powerhouse.

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