Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1562: Comprehend the law of gravity!

The humpback **** emperor pressed down with his hand, Xiao Chen felt a strong force of gravity acting on the tip of the gun, and the entire spear pierced downwards, and the humpback **** emperor had reached Xiao Chen's head with the help of the spear, and slapped Xiao with a palm. On Chen's back, Xiao Chen only felt a wave of gravity coming, and his whole person fell directly to the ground, raising dust in the sky.

Yang Yan in the rear had been paying attention to the battle here. With his strength, it was enough to save Xiao Chen in the moment of crisis, but he found that something was wrong with the hunchbacked **** emperor.


There was a loud noise on the ground, and then a flame spear had once again come to the hunchback **** emperor, and the next moment, Xiao Chen was shot again.

After Xiao Chen was shot for dozens of times, the system suddenly heard a warning tone.

"Ding! The law of gravity is found to be immersed in the player's body. Does it absorb refining?"

"What are you waiting for? Of course it's refined." Xiao Chen said, and his whole body rushed over again.

Bang bang bang! Xiao Chen was beaten into the air every time, and at this moment, a message came into Xiao Chen's mind, and the voice of the system sounded again.

"Ding! Congratulations to the players for comprehending the law of gravity!"

Xiao Chen stabbed again, and the hunchback God Emperor raised his hand again, but the next moment, he found that Xiao Chen's spear did not deviate from its position, but continued to stab him.

Astonishment flashed in the eyes of the humpbacked **** emperor, his entire right hand instantly turned rock, and he raised his hand to directly block the spear, and the huge force pushed him back several steps before stabilizing his figure.

"Are you playing with me? Why don't you get a killer?" Xiao Chen looked at the hunchback **** emperor and asked, how could the **** emperor have so little power, every time Xiao Chen was beaten into the air, Xiao Chen could feel that the other party had Left hand.

"You are a war son, I am just a slave, and the slave will act against the war son, that is, if you commit the following crime, you will be punished severely by the God of War family." The humpbacked **** emperor said blankly.

Xiao Chen was taken aback, "So that's the case, but I destroyed Baihua Auction House. If you don't take me, how can you explain to Xiao Sihai."

"This is the grievance between your warriors. Our duty is only to protect the warriors." The hunchback **** said: "Although the old man cannot do it to you, other people can do it, and you are not the one that the old man wants to protect, so the old man There is no obligation to save you either."

When the voice fell, the hunchback **** emperor's hand pressed hard, Xiao Chen instantly backed up a few steps, and then the humpback **** emperor also backed up a few steps.

"I don't want these slaves from the Hundred Flowers Auction House. Whoever wins them, everyone present, I swear by the hunchback God Emperor that I will never recover them."

The humpback **** emperor's voice fell, and he directly took the two **** kings out of the battle circle, and the other strong men who heard the humpback **** emperor's words were startled for a moment, and then instantly looked at the slaves, full of greed.

The power of the slaves who had been photographed before was even brighter. They hadn't traded yet, and the lower-grade **** crystals were still in their hands. If they said this now, wouldn't it be possible to grab them directly and save a lot of **** crystals?

"This old ghost actually cheated me, but it fits my mind. Today, I will use the blood of these people to achieve my realm of God Emperor."

Xiao Chen looked around with a pair of greedy eyes, without fear, but full of excitement.

In a short period of time, most of the strong have already moved, but no one has taken the lead. It is important to know that there are many nearby forces, and the slaves are limited, that is to say, the typical wolf has more meat and less meat.

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