Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1561: The law of gravity!

A piece of brick made the two Divine King Nine Powers feel embarrassed. In this scene, seeing the eyes of all the surrounding powerhouses made them all silent.

Of course, there are also many strong people who are greedy for the bricks in Xiao Chen's hands. After all, it can make the two Divine King Nine Powers feel tricky, but it is rare.

When the humpbacked **** emperor saw this scene, a gloom flashed in his eyes, the next moment, pressing his hands down, Xiao Chen's figure suddenly fell out of midair.

"You two retreat, depending on the two of you, it is impossible for him to be his opponent." The Humpback God Emperor said lightly.

"Yes, Divine King!" the two Divine Kings said unwillingly, and then retreated behind them.

Xiao Chen looked at the humpbacked **** emperor with a solemn color flashing in his eyes. The moment he appeared, he felt as if he was pressed by something, and he fell out instantly.

"Junior, it's no wonder that I dared to make trouble at the Baihua Auction House. There are a lot of cards. The old man didn't want to bully the small, but now it seems that the old man must take action."

The hunchback God Emperor's voice fell, and the curved back suddenly bent down again. Suddenly, Xiao Chen felt as if his body was being crushed by a mountain, and his whole body sank instantly.

Xiao Chen suddenly thought of something in his eyes, then looked at the humpbacked **** emperor, and solemnly said: "The law of gravity!"

The power of the law, a hundred flowers bloom, the law of gravity is a relatively common and powerful law, which belongs to the law of the law derived from the law of the soil.

"Good eyesight, under the old man's law of gravity, you will be unable to move an inch." The hunchback Emperor took a step forward, and the surrounding space was instantly filled with the law of gravity, and Xiao Chen, who was in the middle, felt like he was in a quagmire. .

"Your body style is very unusual. Even an old man can only catch a little bit of your breath, but unfortunately, you are facing an old man who has the law of gravity."

The humpbacked **** emperor took another step, and Xiao Chen's figure bent downward again.

"The law of gravity is difficult, but it keeps pressing on the shoulders of giants!" Xiao Chen said, and then he burst out in his heart.

"Wushuang battle soul, Wushuang armor, Wushuang giant soldier, Wushuang magic weapon!"

Xiao Chen's aura suddenly climbed to the ninth layer of the God King, and a layer of magical armor appeared on the worn armor again, and Xiao Chen's body expanded to several tens of meters, and the Wushuang God Soldier formed a boxing glove and wore it on both hands. The spear was restored again, and Xiao Chen firmly grasped it.

"Now I can finally fight hard!"

Feeling the pressure on his body a little weakened, Xiao Chen chuckles at the corner of his mouth.

Feeling the breath of Xiao Chen, the two Divine Kings of the Ninth Layer looked at each other, and both saw shock and fear in each other's eyes, and shock also appeared in the eyes of the humpback Divine Emperor.

Xiao Chen didn't care so much. The Wing Flash was used again, and the man had come to the front of the humpback **** emperor. The long spear in his hand was slammed down, the spear roared, and the law of flame burst out.

After the hunchback **** emperor reacted, he raised his hands, Xiao Chen only felt the spear light in his hand, and then the spear turned back in the opposite direction, and the hunchback **** emperor had come to Xiao Chen and punched in the chest.

Xiao Chen hardly had any reaction, so he was beaten and flew back. Fortunately, Xiao Chen's defense was strong enough and did not cause much damage.

"Shenhuang strong, it really is not so easy to deal with." Xiao Chen stabilized his figure, and the man had rushed towards the hunchbacked Shenhuang again, and his spear shot straight out.

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