Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1559: The war begins!

Unprepared, this strong man could only raise his hands to block it.

Without the slightest surprise, this strong man was beaten out in an instant, and the entire field was in a mess, and everyone was shocked watching this scene.

"This kid has hidden his cultivation base, even we haven't seen it through."

"But what about the Sixth Divine King, who dares to do it in front of the hunched divine emperor, there is still a dead end."

"Boy, who are you? What is your purpose for making trouble here?" The hunchback **** emperor said coldly. At the same time, the slightly hunchback body contained terrifying power.

"There is no purpose, it's just looking at your Baihua Auction House upset. Since it's upset, naturally I will demolish it." Xiao Chen said casually.

When the voice fell, everyone around them stared. It was the first time they saw that they were troubled by the golden forces because they were unhappy. This was simply lighting the lights in the toilet and looking for death.

"No matter who you are or what background you are, naturally if you want to find death, the emperor will fulfill you." The hunchback **** emperor said coldly

"Everyone, please retreat to the distance for the time being, and when this kid is killed, the auction will continue."

Hearing that, everyone didn't make sense, so they retreated, standing in the distance and sneered at this side.

With a wave of the humpbacked God Emperor, ten patrol teams appeared at the same time and surrounded Xiao Chen. Not only that, two powerful nine-layered God Kings also appeared to the side, looking at Xiao Chen coldly to prevent him from escaping.


The voice of the humpbacked **** king fell, and several **** kings rushed towards Xiao Chen.

"Thousand Spiders and Ten Thousand Poison Palms!" Xiao Chen instantly transformed into the Eucharist of Ten Thousand Poisons, and countless palm prints appeared in the field. Although these palm prints were not strong, as the law of poison exploded, the field was instantly filled with green poison gas.

"The law of poison!" Surprise flashed in the eyes of the humpbacked **** emperor, and with a stroke of his hand, a barrier appeared beside him to keep the poison gas out.

And those strong patrol teams are not so lucky. After being invaded by the poisonous gas, they instantly felt that their divine power was suppressed, even the eight-fold strong of the **** king was also affected a lot.

"Tai Chi Orb!" After the Law of Poison, Xiao Chen had already transformed into the Flame Saint Body, and a Tai Chi Orb appeared in his hands. The next moment, Xiao Chen suddenly disappeared, leaving only a dangerous orb.

Then, there was a shocking explosion in the auction, and the entire Baichuan City was shaken.

Outside the auction, all the strong men looked at the sudden explosion and looked at each other. Under the explosion, the entire auction house was completely wiped out.

After a long time, three figures appeared in mid-air, it was the hunchback **** king and the other two **** king nine-fold powerhouses. At this time, the eyes of the two **** king powerhouses were full of heart palpitations.

The humpbacked **** emperor's face was full of gloom, he glanced at the ruins, and then looked forward, his eyes full of cold killing intent.

A ray of light flashed, and Xiao Chen appeared right in front of the humpback **** emperor. Behind him, Yang Yan also brought the cats, the flower demon and other slaves. Even the woman with the pseudo-Holy spirit was brought behind him .

"Yang Yan, take them away and leave it to me here." Xiao Chen ordered.

"It's the son!" Yang Yan said, and then took the people behind him back, while the **** emperor woman looked at Xiao Chen, with a flash of shock in her eyes.

"It's him?"

"God King? How could it be possible, or just the appearance?"

Many thoughts flashed in the woman's mind.

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