Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1558: Disrupt the auction!

"Pseudo-Holy Spirit body, the starting price is one million lower-grade crystals, and each auction must not be less than one hundred thousand crystals." The hunchback **** emperor said lightly.

The voice fell, and there was already an uproar below.

"It turned out to be a pseudo-Holy Spirit body, although it is not as good as a real Holy Spirit body, but it is also very rare. With such a treasure, Baihua Auction House actually put it out for auction. This is incredible!"

"But the body of the pseudo-Holy Spirit is also a hot potato. If you let the outside world know, even the strong **** emperor will be moved."

Everyone talked a lot, they naturally knew the horror of the pseudo-Holy Spirit, and they also knew the sensation brought by the pseudo-Holy Spirit.

However, even though he knew it, he still couldn't stop the temptation brought by the pseudo-Holy Spirit. There was an instant power bid, and in just a few breaths, it had already reached 10 million lower-grade **** crystals.

Ten million lower grade **** crystals can only be produced by some gold rank forces.

When the price surpassed 15 million lower grade **** crystals, the sound was reduced, only two or three sounds sounded.

"Twenty million lower grade **** crystals." At this moment, Xiao Chen's voice suddenly rang, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

"Two young men, strong gods?"

"Can you get 20 million **** crystals?" The humpback **** emperor also looked over, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"No!" Xiao Chen said directly.

When the voice fell, the surrounding powerhouses were all taken aback, and the humpbacked God Emperor's complexion also sank.

"Are you messing up the auction?"

"Congratulations, you guessed it, today I will not only mess up the auction, but I will also completely eliminate the entire Baihua Auction House."

Originally it was here to make trouble, if so, there is no need to hide it.

Xiao Chen's voice fell, and everyone around looked at Xiao Chen like an idiot.

"Where did the idiot boy dare to speak up."

"To dare to make trouble at Baihua Auction House is really seeking a dead end."

The killing intent flashed in the eyes of the humpbacked **** emperor, and with a light wave of his hand, a patrol team had already approached Xiao Chen.

"Wait a minute!" Xiao Chen called out suddenly.

"Boy, it's too late to beg for mercy," said the leader of the patrol team, the Eightfold God King.

"Please forgive me, how is it possible? I just want to say that there is going to be a big battle here. If you don't want to die, leave here as soon as possible." Xiao Chen smiled.

"A mere divine monarch realm can cause a lot of trouble, this king can suppress you by flipping his hands." The Eightfold God King said coldly.

"Hey, isn't it?" Xiao Chen grinned, and then said to Yang Yan Chuanyin next to him: "Protect those women, I will deal with the others!"

"It's the son!" Yang Yan's voice fell, and the whole person disappeared, while Xiao Chen rushed towards the guard leader, and at the same time a card appeared in his hand, which was the upgrade card obtained by completing the main task of the fairy world.

"Looking for death!" Seeing Xiao Chen actually rushed over first, the eyes of the Eighth-tier Powerful Divine King flashed with killing intent, and his divine power surged, forming a scratching mark and grabbing Xiao Chen.

"Broken!" Xiao Chen whispered, the catch was broken by Xiao Chen's punch, and at this moment Xiao Chen had already arrived in front of the eighth-layer powerhouse of the King of God, the next moment, the breath of the sixth-layer of the God King came out of Xiao Chen, fire fist When it is shot, the law of flame surging out.

The face of the eight-fold powerhouse of the **** king changed drastically. He was clearly a six-fold **** king, how could he suddenly become the sixth-fold **** king, he was puzzled, but more importantly, Xiao Chen's fist had come to him!

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