Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1543: The law of poison!

"You are guarding outside." Xiao Chen said, then stepped into the poisonous mist.

"My son, those who are very poisonous!" Yang Yan said hurriedly.

"I have a sense of measure." Xiao Chen said, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and a low voice in his heart.

"Nine-turned Eucharist, the Poisonous Eucharist!"

Xiao Chen walked in two steps, transformed into the Saint Body of Ten Thousand Poisons, and began to absorb the poison gas, and the continuous poison gas entered Xiao Chen's body.

"The son is really a **** and man, and he is not afraid of these poisonous gases." Seeing this scene, Yang Yan's eyes were full of worship.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Chen walked out of the poisonous area, his whole body was already green.

"It's the poison gas of the bloodthirsty bee. Even if I have the Holy Physique of Ten Thousand Poisons, I can only hold on for ten minutes." Xiao Chen was a little frightened, but within ten minutes, the benefits that Xiao Chen had gained were huge. Body has been improved, but also converted a lot of divine power.

After resting for a while, after Xiao Chen's state was full, Xiao Chen entered the poison zone again.

Two hours later.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for discovering the law of poison, whether to refining?"


With a move of Xiao Chen's thoughts, a huge force of law emerged from Xiao Chen's body, and the surrounding poison gas continued to surge towards Xiao Chen, as if infused with spiritual energy.

Yang Yan looked at the movement here, and a shocked expression appeared in his eyes again: "This is the power of the law, does the son understand the law of poison, if so, the son already has the law of ice and the law of flame, plus The law of poison, the son can actually use the three laws, which few people in the gods can do."

A few hours later, Xiao Chen opened his eyes, the poisonous gas around him surrounded him, Xiao Chen's thoughts moved, and a passage appeared in front of him instantly.

"Congratulations, Master for comprehending the law of poison." As Xiao Chen walked out of the passage, Yang Yan hurriedly congratulated.

Xiao Chen nodded: "The poisonous area here is a natural barrier to Tianhuozhou. I will pass the law of poison and leave a passage here. You find a formation mage and set up a maze here. This channel is our exclusive channel for Ling Tianzong."

"Yes, son!" Yang Yan took the order and left.

"Sixth God Sovereign, the law of poison, brother, thank you very much." Xiao Chen's eyes were full of joy. Although he didn't know whether this poison zone was deliberately or unintentionally caused by bloodthirsty, it finally made Xiao Chen cheaper.

Next, Yang Yan found the Array Mage and set up a maze in the poison zone. Those who don't know the formation will fall into the poison zone until they are unconscious.

After everything was ready, Xiao Chen said to Yang Yan: "Make arrangements, we will leave Tianhuozhou in a few days."

"Yes, son!"


In the starry sky, the Sonny flashed past. Xiao Chen and his group had already left Tianhuozhou for three days. On the Sonny, besides Xiao Chen, Yang Yan, Dong Shiyu, and Man Xiaoman also followed.

"The continent we are going to this time is called Baichuanzhou. Baichuanzhou is famous for the hundred rivers that span the continents. In Baichuanzhou, the power with the king of the gods is the red bronze power, and the power with the high gods and the king is the silver power. , And the power with the power of the **** emperor is the golden power."

On the Sonny, Man Xiaoman introduced: "In Baichuanzhou, any red copper power can completely abuse the barbarians, and the only gold-level power in Baichuanzhou is the 170th branch where Xiao Wuhai is located. Although Xiao Wuhai is a younger generation, the forces he formed can dominate Baichuanzhou in a short period of time, which is enough to see his methods."

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