Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1542: Poison zone!

"They went to the north of Tianhuozhou." Yang Yan said.

Xiao Chen nodded, "Pay attention to their movements at all times. If they leave Tianhuozhou, the crisis in Tianhuozhou will be resolved."

Yang Yan nodded, and his consciousness swept across the Tianhuo Continent. After half an hour, Yang Yan suddenly opened his eyes, with joy on his face, and said to Xiao Chen: "Master, they are leaving!"

Hearing Yang Yan's voice, the surrounding powerhouses were taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly a strong cheer erupted, and Xiao Chen also let out a sigh of relief.

As the news spread, the entire Ling Tianzong heard cheers, and they only knew that they had won.

"Sect Master! Sect Master!"

The voices of the entire Ling Tianzong gathered together, shaking the sky!

The barbarians, the Shenyu clan, the Yue clan, and the Yang clan, these powerhouses have witnessed Xiao Chen's strength with their own eyes. The barbarians are meaningless to join the Lingtian Sect, and the Yang clan is even more desperate. As for the Shenyu clan and the Yue clan, they There are forces behind, so instead of joining Ling Tianzong, he chose to form an alliance with Ling Tianzong.

When they talked to Xiao Chen about this proposal, Xiao Chen did not object, regardless of whether they joined the Ling Tianzong or not, from then on, Tianhuozhou has already made Ling Tianzong the king.

On the third day after the bloodthirsty bee left, the forces within Ling Tianzong began to walk out of Ling Tianzong and rebuild Tianhuo Continent, a piece of Tianhuozhou in Cangyi, and began to show signs of recovery.

When everyone was busy, Xiao Chen raised all the divine power values ​​he obtained to the level of cultivation, and as he wished he broke through to the fifth level of the gods, his body was full of power, and after this battle, the power of faith in the Sect Master Ling also reached With unprecedented strength, his sacred body has reached the eighteenth level.

"It's time to leave Tianhuozhou." Xiao Chen muttered in the Sect Master's hall. If you want to continue to improve your strength, you can only find a stronger one. Obviously, Tianhuozhou can't meet the divine power value he needs to upgrade.

At this moment, Yang Yan hurried in.

"My son, the subordinate has something to report."

"what's up?"

"The seal of Tianhuozhou has not been completely broken, but Ling Tianzong is there, and it doesn't have much impact, but if you want to leave Tianhuozhou, you can only pass through Beizhou. However, now Beizhou has become a poisonous area, and no grass can grow, even if the king is strong. You can only stay there for a few breaths, otherwise you will lose consciousness."

Yang Yan naturally knew that Xiao Chen was about to leave Tianhuo Continent. After all, how could a small Tianhuo Continent trap the Qianlong, but in the poisonous area of ​​the North District, only he could pass, and there was only a dead end for others to enter.

Of course, he can also burn all the poisonous gas through the fire of the Golden Crow, but in exchange, the North District becomes a sea of ​​fire, and it is still impossible to pass.

"The poison zone, is it caused by bloodthirsty?" Bloodthirsty said, he was most proud of his poison, and the seal of the stone clan was corroded by him with poisonous gas, if it weren't for the flame to naturally restrain the poisonous gas The role, he broke the seal long ago.

"Let's go and see!" Xiao Chen said.

"Yes, son." Yang Yan grabbed Xiao Chen. The next moment, the man had disappeared in the hall. After a few breaths, the man had appeared in the north area, and what appeared in front of Xiao Chen was a poisonous mist. All the trees, flowers and plants turned into dead wood, a desolation.

"As expected to be a strong **** emperor, the speed is really fast." Xiao Chen was a little frightened, then turned to look at the poisonous mist, his eyes suddenly lit up.

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