Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1499: Another punch!

No one thought that Xiao Chen would suddenly make a move, and felt the pressure from above his head. A cold color flashed in the eyes of God of Fire God, a raging flame burned on his body, and he also punched Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen went from the top down, his body was full of black evil spirits, and the Lord of Fire God went from the bottom up, his body was full of red flames.

The next moment, the fists of the two collided fiercely in the air.

"Without self-reliance, a small **** in the realm of heaven, dare to attack this god, this **** will tell you today, the **** must not be insulted!"

Fire God Lord said indifferently, his feminine face was full of chill, and his fist was filled with the law of flame.

"Huh, the **** must not be insulted? The frog at the bottom of the well!" Xiao Chen sneered with disdain, whether he was in the heavenly realm or the god, as long as he was strong enough, he could still kill.


Black and red each occupies half of the sky, and terrifying power came from where the two collided. The elders such as Lie Ting hid far away for fear of being affected by the battle between the two.

At the same time, they were also secretly shocked. They didn't expect that a small Heavenly God Realm ant would dare to attack the gods and powers, and also exude such terrifying power.

But the next moment, the surprise in their hearts turned into shock, or even horror, because they saw the Lord of Fire God only persisted for a while before being knocked down from midair to the ground by Xiao Chen, hitting the building complex of the Fire Sect, a large area in an instant The building was destroyed.

"The Lord of Fire God is nothing more than that." Xiao Chen stood in the air, a black robe dancing with the wind, his face was full of confidence, Lord of Fire God is almost the same as Lord God of Fire, and the law of flame is only a comprehension of fur.

Lie Ting and other experts in the Fire Sect looked at the young man standing in mid-air, with shock and puzzlement in his eyes. The Sect Master of the Fire Sect, the God Sovereign of the Fire Sect, was knocked out with a punch. How could this be possible?

"Who are you?" At this moment, there was a very frantic and shocked voice from below, and Lord Blaze flew out of the ground with a look of embarrassment.

"Ling Tianzong Sect Master Xiao Chen!"

"Ling Tianzong?" God of Fire was taken aback, he had never heard of Ling Tianzong!

"Ling Tianzong was established in the past two days. The address is at the original place of worshiping the fire sect. You will probably receive a message in two days. By the way, the **** of fire worship has joined the Lingtian sect with all the fire worshiping sect. Do you want to Join Ling Tianzong too?"

"What! Lord Fire God joined Ling Tianzong!" said Lord Fire God in shock, but then I thought about it again. It seems that Lord Fire God was also defeated by the young people in front of him. It is just that Lord Fire God will really be willing to join Ling Tianzong? How could Iron Fist Villa establish Ling Tianzong?

Thinking of this, Lord Blaze said: "Thank you Sect Master Xiao for your kindness, I'm considering it."

"It's up to you." Xiao Chen said lightly, he just said casually, and then he pointed to Xiao Dingfeng and Lie Ting, "Now you shouldn't interfere in the battle between them."

"This is the grievance between them, I will naturally not intervene." The Lord of Fire God said, his eyes also glanced at Lie Ting.

Lie Ting's expression changed. He knew that Lord of Fire God would no longer help him, but he and Xiao Dingfeng were both in the 9th Heavenly God Realm, and he would not necessarily lose.

Thinking of this, Lie Ting invited Xiao Dingfeng to fight and said, "Let's go up and fight!"

Xiao Dingfeng didn't speak, but came into the air indifferently, looking at Li Ting who came afterwards, without saying a word, Wushuang battle spirit, Wushuang armor, and Wushuang magic weapon burst out.

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