Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1498: We are here to kill!

In less than a day, the Sonny had appeared over the Agni Sect.

"Lieting, get out of the labor and capital!" Standing on the Sonny, Xiao Dingfeng shouted loudly, his voice spread throughout the entire Lihuo Sect!

"Who would dare to yell in my fire sect, it is impossible to find death!" The voice fell, and many disciples of the fire sect had surrounded the Sonny.

"Labor and capital are looking for Lie Ting, unrelated people get out!" Xiao Dingfeng shouted angrily, and the peak of the Heavenly God Realm instantly exuded, feeling the powerful aura, and the disciples surrounding him took a few steps.

"Where is the expert, why did you come to my Fire Sect?" At this moment, another old voice sounded, and then several powerful figures appeared in the air, looking at the Sonny.

"Grandpa, the old man in the middle is Lie Ting. Grandpa was beaten to death by his life." Xiao Ming pointed to an old man headed and said bitterly, his eyes full of hatred and killing intent.

"You are Lie Ting, you killed my second brother?" Xiao Dingfeng looked at Lie Ting and said coldly.

"Who is your Excellency, is there any misunderstanding in this?" Lie Ting glanced at Xiao Dingfeng with jealousy, and said with a smile.

"Old man, Xiao Dingfeng, the 250th branch of the God of War family, don't tell me you haven't killed anyone in the Xiao family!" Xiao Dingfeng said coldly.

Hearing that, Lie Ting's expression changed slightly, but he was well concealed by him. Lie Ting continued to smile and said, "I have never killed the Xiao family. Did Brother Xiao make a mistake?"

An anger flashed in Xiao Dingfeng's eyes, and just as he was about to say something, Xiao Chen's faint voice rang.

"We are here to kill, not to make things clear."

"Young Master, the old slave understands." Xiao Dingfeng said respectfully, and then, without saying anything, Wushuang's battle spirit opened and rushed towards Lie Ting.

"Your Excellency is trying to cause trouble in my Fire Sect. I really think that I am a bully?" Lie Ting's face became cold, and then he said to the elders behind him: "You guys, cooperate with the old man, then let the thief! "

"It's the great elder!" said several strong men behind Lie Ting, and they were about to besiege Xiao Dingfeng.

"I advise you not to intervene in the matter between the two of them, otherwise, I don't mind coming to a battle in the Fire Sect!" Xiao Chen's faint voice sounded again.

As his voice fell, there were a group of people behind Xiao Chen, each of whom was a strong person in the Celestial God realm. The aura of so many strong men in the Celestial God realm gathered together, causing Lie Ting and others to stop and look at the people behind Xiao Chen. Xiao Jiajun was shocked.

There are so many Heavenly God Realm powerhouses, and most of them are high-level Heavenly God Realm, even the three major sects do not have so many.

"Who on earth are you?" Li Ting said solemnly.

"Stop talking nonsense, you fight him, you win your life, you lose you die, you are grinding, and you will directly destroy the Fire Sect!" Xiao Chen said impatiently.

"Your Excellency is so loud. If you want to destroy my Flame Sect, do you rely on you?" Just as Xiao Chen's voice fell, a sharp voice sounded, and then a middle-aged man who looked very feminine appeared in the air.

After seeing the middle-aged person, all the disciples of the Agni sect saluted respectfully: "Participate in the lord!"

"The Lord of Fire God?" A sneer appeared at the corner of Xiao Chen's mouth. The next moment, the holy-wing flashed, appearing abruptly above the Lord of Fire God, and the evil demon's explosive fist broke out instantly.

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