Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1462: The man in black reappears!

"Okay." Xiao Chen nodded, he also had an anxiety in his heart. He always felt that the date when the Saintess was born is getting closer and closer, and he desperately wanted to go to the gods and improve his strength.

With a wave of Mu Yunyu's hand, a tree door had appeared in the room. Just as Xiao Chen stepped into the wooden door, a voice rang in his mind.

Xiao Chen frowned, and then said to Mu Yun: "Master, wait a minute, I will come as soon as I go."

After speaking, Xiao Chen walked out of the room and came to the medicine field. At this time, there was a man in black in the medicine field. It was the mysterious man in black before.

"What can you do with me?" Xiao Chen asked, even if he broke through to Immortal Emperor Daluo, he still couldn't feel the breath of the mysterious man in black.

The man in black turned around and said lightly: "Help you."

"Help me?" Xiao Chen frowned, and then asked: "Why do you want to help me? What is your purpose?"

"There is a reason to help you naturally. As for the reason, you will naturally know in the future." The man in black waved, and then a black door appeared in the sky.

"This is a teleportation formation. The black bears, the ten war gods, and the seven monsters who are with you have extraordinary talents. If you believe me, call them out and I will send them where they should go. , The future will definitely help you."

The man in black said lightly, and Xiao Chen stared at the man in black steadily after hearing this.

"By the way, to tell you one thing, I think you are very interested. Your nine wives and seven daughters have established a huge influence in the gods and have gained a reputation. And look at you, a small Immortal Emperor Daluo, in the realm of God, even if he has a miscellaneous cultivation base, he is higher than you."

"Also, within ten years, the Saintess Sect must be born. You won't want to fight the entire God Realm with your own strength?"

"Who are you?" Xiao Chen's face was extremely gloomy. Xiao Chen felt that he was seen through by this person, and he also had a feeling of being arranged.

"I won't harm you, and even if I say my name, you won't believe it." The man in black still said lightly.

"Who are you?" Xiao Chen asked again.

"Well, since you want to know, then I will tell you my name. Remember, my name is Xiao Chen."

"Are you kidding me?" Xiao Chen's expression became colder.

"Look, I said you wouldn't believe it." The man in black spread his hands.

Xiao Chen's face was gloomy, he naturally wouldn't believe what the other party said, but he didn't continue to question.

Afterwards, Xiao Chen called out the black bear, the ten war gods, and the seven monsters, and told them the purpose of the man in black.

The strength of the man in black is simply incalculable. If he has any disadvantages to him, he doesn't need to be so troublesome.

After hearing Xiao Chen's words, the black bear was the first to express his desire to go to the place the man in black said.

Feeling the urgency of the black bear, Xiao Chen also somewhat understood the black bear.

In a word, the Qing Emperor has transformed into a human form, and he does not want to be too far from the Qing Emperor.

Xiao Chen understood what he meant. Xiao Chen, Qing Emperor, and Black Bear often hunted together in the hunting grounds. The two were both brothers and competitors, so he was naturally unwilling to lag behind Qing Emperor.

Xiao Chen nodded, and then the black bear stepped directly into the black door and disappeared.

Then came the Ten Great War Gods, Xu Xiaojun, Gao Fumei, Lei Qianjue, Zhan Taihuo, Ran Xiaoqi, Shang Qiuyu, Luo Qingwu, Li Yuanba, Qi Nishang, Chu Yaner, all ten people kneeled on one knee: "Master, we think To improve strength."

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