Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1461: Mu Yun's request!

"Okay." Xiao Chen nodded. With Tiancun's strength, Tianwu Immortal Palace and other forces are no longer opponents at all. It is only a matter of time to conquer the entire fairy world.

Tian Can and the eighteen ancestors led out, and then Xiao Chen looked at Qingdi and Yaomei and said, "What are your plans?"

"Boss, I discussed with Mei'er, we decided to take other alien races who broke through the Great Luo Immortal Emperor to go to the Burying God Realm!" Qingdi said.

"Buried God Realm?" Xiao Chen was a little confused: "Where is God Burial Realm?"

"The Burial God Realm is no less than a place in the God Realm. This was once the place where our two tribes fought a battle, but now it is controlled by our clan. Since the Great War buried many strong people above the God Realm, it was called the God Burying World. ." Yaomei explained.

"Are you planning to go to alien territory?" Xiao Chen frowned.

"Boss, the blood of the emperor has a high status in the alien race. I plan to develop power in the alien race. Maybe I can help you in the future." Qingdi said with a serious face.

Hearing this, the demon wanted to say something, but looking at the serious face of the Qing Emperor, it could only turn into a sigh.

"Your talent is very strong, and your future achievements are no less than mine. Since you have already decided, I am not blocking you. Remember, we will always be brothers." Xiao Chen said.

"Boss, I know, take care." Qingdi stood up and gave Xiao Chen a hug.

"Take care!"

"Boss, take care!" The Qing emperor's voice fell, leaving the room with the demon, looking at the back of the Qing emperor, Xiao Chen was a little emotional, Ke'er left, a few daughters left, and several deputy suzerains left, now Even Qingdi also left.

"Xiao Chen, I want to ask you something for my teacher." Just as Xiao sighed, Mu Yun's pleading voice rang in Xiao Chen's ear.

"Master, you can just speak up if you have something, why bother." Xiao Chen glanced at Mu Yun strangely.

"This world is left by the master. Although it has been saved now, I don't want it to stay here alone, so I want your world to swallow this world."

When Mu Yun's voice fell, Xiao Chen looked shocked: "Swallow this world?"

"Yes, your world's law of heaven is perfected. As long as Qinglin refines the great monuments around this world, you can assimilate this world. Then this world will also have the law of heaven, which will be strong against this world. For those of you, there is no harm."

"You agree to her request to refine this world. It will be of great benefit to you, Qinglin, and this sect. Moreover, the Sky Star Sect needs more powerhouses. Only a stronger and more complete world will be born. Many strong people." Tian Xing'er's voice resounded in Xiao Chen's mind.

"Okay." Xiao Chen didn't think too much, and agreed.

Seeing Xiao Chen agree, Mu Yun's face showed joy.

For her, the immortal world was left by Qi Dabao, her most important treasure, and she saw in Xiao Chen the hope of her regaining her strength. Although she kept silent about the murder of Qi Dabao, she was still alive. The two of Qi Dabao, Mu Yun still had a big killing intent in his heart.

So she must go to the God Realm, and she doesn't want to leave the Immortal Realm. It's all right now. As long as the Heavenly Star Immortal Realm swallows the Immortal Realm, she can stay with the world left by Qi Dabao forever.

"It shouldn't be too late, let's go to refine the Dadao monument now." Mu Yun said impatiently.

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