Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1448: Procrastination!

"Thank you, sir." After hearing this, the three were overjoyed, and then turned to look at Xiao Chen.

"Xiao Chen, your end is here." The three Heavenly Servants looked at Xiao Chen with hideous faces.

"On the basis of the three of you? I let the three of you die before, and you don't know how to repent. Now you have become such a person, not a ghost or a ghost, how can you be my opponent." Xiao Chen sneered.

"We became like this, and it was you who killed us. Thanks to you, we made up our minds to cooperate with the adults. And I am very satisfied with the way I am now. With my strong strength, I can become even stronger in the future. , And you can only die here." Tian servant sneered.

"Really?" Xiao Chen sneered: "In this case, let me see how you kept me here."

"Take it to death." The Heaven Servant roared, and rushed towards Xiao Chen, very fast, leaving only a black light, Duanmu Qingyun and Li Yuan also rushed from different directions, although the three people's cultivation is only Da Luo The immortal emperor is eightfold, but its speed is not as good as that of the general Daluo immortal emperor peak.

"Fire Fist!" Xiao Chen's face condensed, and instead of retreating, he moved forward. He punched the Heaven Servant and swept out the powerful Flame Avenue.

"Hmph, play with fire with me, I will let you play with fire and spontaneous combustion." Tian servant snorted coldly, black flames suddenly emerged from his body, and a black skeleton was condensed on his fist, his face savagely touching with Xiao Chen's fist Together.


The flame exploded, and Xiao Chen and Tian Muzi were shaken out at the same time. Xiao Chen turned several somersaults in mid-air to stabilize his figure, but Tian Muzi only stepped back and stabilized his figure.

"Huh, the third high-level flame avenue, but so, since you only have this ability, then you go to die."

The Heaven Servant snorted coldly, a cruel color flashed in his eyes, and rushed towards Xiao Chen again, and the two black flame skulls between his hands slammed down against Xiao Chen.

"Something's wrong, Xiao Chen shouldn't have only this strength." Li Yuan and Duanmu Qingyun, who were planning to besiege Xiao Chen, stopped when they saw Xiao Chen being blown up, and Li Yuan said with some doubts.

"Far away, you look at him too high, don’t forget, the further you go, the more difficult it is to challenge, and we are not before. With our current strength, it is not a matter of slaying the peak powerhouse of Immortal Emperor Daluo. , Xiao Chen is no longer our opponent." Duanmu Qingyun smiled disdainfully.

"That's also true, it's just that we were too weak before, and now we know how powerful we are, and we know the vastness of this world."

Li Yuan smiled without thinking too much, looking at Xiao Chen who was constantly being beaten down, there was disdain in his eyes.

Boom boom boom!

The black fire and the red fire kept colliding, and the sky servant sneered while attacking fiercely.

"Xiao Chen, what was your spirit before."

"You were disdainful before!"

"You look so embarrassed, it's a shame."

Xiao Chen was panting, and he was beaten by Heaven Servant with no power to fight back.

"My lord, something is wrong." Wang Kun watched the battle, with some hoarse voices ringing in the ears of the demon.

"How to say?" Yaomei said lightly.

"From what I know about Xiao Chen, his methods are endless, but until now, he has been using Flame Avenue, and after he started attacking once, he has always been defensive, as if it was deliberate."

"You are right, he should be delaying time." Yaomei smiled lightly.

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