Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1447: Alien monster!

"Xiao Chen, it's you again."

The black air slowly disappeared, revealing Wang Kun's familiar face.

"Wang Kun, this should be your body, this time you must be completely eradicated." Xiao Chen looked at Wang Kun and said coldly.

"Huh? Xiao Chen." At this moment, the demon charm heard a shocked voice, "He is the Xiao Chen who you said may have the soul of a powerful person."

"Yes, Master Demon." Wang Kun replied.

"Demon?" Xiao Chen was taken aback, then looked at the monster and said, "You are the leader of the alien race, the emperor of the alien race, the monster?"

"Gluck, kid, it seems you know a lot." The demon chuckled, and then the black air on her body slowly dissipated, revealing a very coquettish and delicate face, dressed in black, beautifully dressed The long and sleek legs were exposed under the black dress, the perfect figure, and the slightly proud eyes, were looking at Xiao Chen.

"So beautiful!" After seeing the true face of the demon, even Xiao Chen lost his senses for a moment. Not only is she beautiful, he also exudes mature temptation. As long as he sees the demon, any man will give birth to a desire to conquer it. a feeling of.

Wu Chutian also looked at the demon in a dazed manner, and many of the powerful immortal ships behind him showed obsessive looks. Even Kan Yue, who is known for his delicacy, was eclipsed in front of the demon.

Ho Ho Ho!

After the monster showed its true face, all the alien races roared in excitement, and every time they roared, the aura of these alien races rose sharply, and Xiao Chen looked more solemnly.

"Little guy, I heard Wang Kun talk about you. I am very interested in you, and also very interested in the soul in you. How, should you call it out? Let's make tea and have a good chat." Demon smiled.

"Okay, why don't we talk about Fenghuaxueyue, talk about life ideals, it's really meaningless to fight and kill." Xiao Chen laughed.

"Okay, okay, I like talking about the wind, especially with handsome guys, but I'm a little hungry now, or let's talk while eating." The demon smiled, her body trembled slightly, stimulating all males.

"Okay, some human delicacies are very good. Why not, I invite you all foreign races to taste our human delicacies, what do you think?" Xiao Chen smiled, his face full of sincerity.

"What you said is very exciting. It's a pity that my sons don't like human delicacies, but prefer you humans themselves."

"Then there is nothing to talk about, but if you want to sacrifice all human beings in the entire Immortal Realm to increase their strength, you should not be delusional. As long as Xiao Chen is still alive, you are definitely not allowed to move the Immortal Realm."

Xiao Chen held a long sword, pointed directly at the demon, domineering and never flinched.

"Xiao Chen, you are still the same, but if you want to stop us, I am afraid you are not qualified yet." Wang Kun sneered.

"I was able to stop you when I was in the Lower Realm Continent, and I can still stop you in the Immortal Realm today."

"Really? Xiao Chen, if you look around, do you really recognize the reality when you say such big things? Don't talk about us, I'm afraid you won't be able to pass even your human beings."

Wang Kun sneered, and when his voice fell, a voice rang.

"My lord, I have a grudge against this kid. I don't know if I can let my subordinates kill him himself." Duanmu Qingyun stepped forward.

Not only Duanmu Qingyun, Tian Muzi and Li Yuan also stepped forward to ask for a fight.

Looking at the three of them, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed gloomy.

"Okay, okay, there is a good show. The three of you perform well. If you perform well, I will benefit you." Yao Mei smiled.

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