Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1432: Goodbye Seven Monsters!

A big mountain made a rumbling sound, and a basalt head was raised under the mountain.

The killing air in the Celestial Immortal Territory condensed together and turned into a white tiger, roaring up to the sky.

Not only these, but there are also flowers and trees that transform into monsters, fairy beasts, monsters, and fierce beasts. They have one thing in common, that is, when they were born, they were the peak of Immortal Emperor Daluo.

"The birth of the four spirit beasts is a sign of the perfection of the laws of heaven." Mu Yun said, looking at everything that happened in the heavenly stars, his eyes were full of shock.

"The birth of the four spirit beasts can only be done by the gods of good fortune. I did not expect to be able to give birth to the four spirit beasts now, fulfilling the perfect laws, and the way of heaven can manifest itself. This is something I have never met before. Amazing apprentice."

Mu Yun thought in his heart, and then continued: "The laws of heaven and the law come out, the world expands, the great world is fighting, and there is the original power here, I am afraid it will not be long, these darlings born in heaven and earth will soon be able to Break through the Emperor Luo Immortal."

Not only these, even the newborn babies have shown a very powerful talent, and the future will be limitless.

"The law of heaven?" Xiao Chen was still in shock, and he found that his fairy soul was undergoing peculiar changes. He felt that when he was facing the ordinary Emperor Daluo, he could decide the life and death of the opponent in one sentence. .

"By the way, Disciple, some of those old men have a life span of less than a hundred years. They can use the laws of heaven to break through the Immortal Emperor Daluo. By then, they can live for hundreds of thousands of years." Mu Yun Said suddenly.

The old men in Mu Yun's mouth were Tiancang, not only Tiancang, but also a few old men from the other six valleys in the Seven Valleys. These old men were the peak of the Immortal Emperor Daluo, and they were all blessed by the Seven Little ones. Volunteer to stay and guard Seven Valleys.

According to Mu Yun, it is impossible for a general Immortal Emperor Daluo to live for hundreds of thousands of years. One hundred thousand years is the longest life span of Immortal Emperor Daluo. The reason why they can live so long is because she saved Qi Dabao. At that time, his cultivation was integrated into this masterless world, which resulted in such a result.

However, they can live for hundreds of thousands of years, and it is time for them to run out.

"I understand." Xiao Chen left the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory, and then directly found Tian Can and them. There were a total of 15 Daluo Immortal Emperor peak powers in the Seven Valleys. They did not hesitate at all. They all followed Xiao Chen to the Heavenly Star Immortal. area.

Not only them, but the eighteen ancestors also came to the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory. The changes in the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory have been going on for nearly two years, and nearly a month has passed since the outside world.

Heavenly Pill Valley, Lingxiangju, Xiao Chen, and Yue Xiuhua looked at the Seven Devils, and the Seven Devils were all found by Xiao Chen on request.

"Boss, you are already the third level of Immortal Emperor Daluo, and why do I feel that you have an indescribable feeling?" Feng Sihai looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"Yes, I also have this feeling, as if facing you can't resist at all." Domineering Dao said.

"The boss has a strong aura, I am not an opponent!" Yun Batian said solemnly.

"He is strong and not my opponent either." Lin Huahua said lightly: "Not even grandma's opponent."

"Who cares? Anyway, the fairy world belongs to my grandmother." Lin Shuangshuang said.

"That is, why do you care about a stinky man, or these two little apprentices are cute." Su Xiaoyue pinched the shameless face of the moon, full of excitement.

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