Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1431: Changes in the fairyland of stars!

At this time, Xiao Chen stepped forward and looked at Jiang Yuqing, who stood faintly not far away, and said, "As the young master of the Duanmu family, I welcome you to join the Duanmu family as the elder of the guest Qing. Would you like to?"

"Okay!" Jiang Yuqing smiled.

"Then let's go." Xiao Chen smiled, and then left with Jiang Yuqing, Yuexiuhua and the others, leaving behind a group of dumbfounded representatives of various forces.

Gan Wei was dumbfounded again: "No, Dan Huang was taken away like this?"


In a certain medicine field, Xiao Chen looked at Jiang Yuqing and said, "Congratulations on becoming Emperor Dan."

"I don't care about the position of the emperor, as long as I can make alchemy." Jiang Yuqing said flatly.

"Master, you actually know Sister Dan Huang." Shunyue said in shock, Xiuhua also looked surprised.

"Of course, she is your sister-in-law, and she's not called someone yet." Xiao Chen smiled.

"Sister!" The two little girls were taken aback, and then they hurriedly saluted.

"Get up, Sister-in-law doesn't have anything, these pills will be used as your meeting gifts." Jiang Yuqing directly gave the second daughter the Xianli Pill produced by the trial.

The second girl was overjoyed: "Thank you, Sister-in-law."

"Yuqing, don't you like alchemy? You can use all the elixir and elixir in this medicine field in the future!" Xiao Chen pointed to the medicine field and said proudly.

"Can you call the shots?" Jiang Yuqing said.

"of course."

"That's good, but don't forget, try Dan for me."

"It just so happens, I also have this plan."


In the days that followed, the Heavenly Pill Valley experienced upside-down changes. The Lord of the Valley Heavenly Servant became an ordinary elder, and there were three more unscrupulous people in the Tiandan Valley. It was Jiang Yuqing and the Moon Shame Flower.

The elder of Tiandan Valley and his disciples watched the trio keep picking those rare immortal medicines in the medicinal field, and their skins kept twitching. Even the two deputy valley masters were painful to death. You must know that even the two of them could not use these spirits like this. medicine.

After selecting the fairy pharmacist, the various forces also left one after another, but the most pity and puzzling thing was Jiang Yuqing's choice.

Li Yuan followed Gan Tian to prepare to go to the Tianwu Immortal Palace. Before leaving, he and Gan Wei said goodbye to Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen directly gave Li Yuan an ancient Burning Tianyan, and then agreed with Gan Wei to be a disciple in the Mie Soul Mountain Range. During the trial, Xiao Chen would go to Tianwu Immortal Palace.

After the Pill Emperor Grand Ceremony, Tian Dan Valley gradually calmed down. Jiang Yuqing continued to try all kinds of pill. Even the two deputy valley masters also admired it. Xiao Chen has been retreating in the world of war spirits, and at the same time, through Jiang Yuqing's pill Medicine to increase the value of Xianli.

A year later, Qinglin, Xiao Chen and Mu Yun looked at what happened in the Heavenly Star Immortal Domain in shock.

Roar! With a roar, a huge fierce ape roared to the sky, the terrifying fierce might, the entire Heavenly Star Immortal Territory could feel the great tremor of everyone's minds shaken by this roar.

The fierce ape kept roaring, and the scope of the entire Heavenly Star Immortal Territory continued to expand. In the blink of an eye, a tens of thousands of miles of unowned space appeared around the fierce ape. Then, the fierce ape fell silent.

Then there was another roar, and Xiao Chen was dumbfounded. The fierce ape had jumped out of the stone, and it was the fierce beast on the peak of Immortal Emperor Daluo.

Not only the stone, Xiao Chen saw a blue thunder turning into a five-clawed blue dragon with his own eyes, swimming around the world.

A volcano erupted, a Suzaku was born, and everything nearby turned into a sea of ​​flames.

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