Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1343: Eighteen crazy!

"Junior, I don't know how high the sky is!" The Xiao Family Patriarch snorted coldly, and the six-fold aura of Daluo Xianjun suddenly exploded, followed by a strong chill, spreading towards Xiao Chen's direction.

Wherever the chill passed, all was frozen in the ice, and Xiao Chen became an ice sculpture for the first time.

"This is the bloodline of the Ice Sword of the Xiao Family. I didn't expect the Xiao Family Master to be able to do this to such a degree based on chills alone." Looking at the scene near Xiao Chen, where all the objects and even the mid-air were frozen, the eighteen experts were present. All were a little shocked.

"Huh, overwhelming kid, you can cooperate with my Xiao family." Xiao Yichen snorted disdainfully, a long sword appeared in his hand, and walked toward the ice sculpture cruelly.

And just before he stepped out of the first step, Xiao Chen in the ice burst into flames, click, and with a few snaps, all the ice on Xiao Chen's body fell off.

"Ice sword bloodline, but so." A faint laughter came from the flames, and then Xiao Chen's face gradually appeared in front of everyone.

The Patriarch of the Xiao Family and Xiao Yichen didn't have any nonsense, and directly killed Xiao Chen from two directions. The extreme chill came from two directions, as if to freeze the entire void.

"Is it cold? Since you are going to play, let me tell you what the real cold is." A faint joking voice sounded, and Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly shot cold, and the flames on his body suddenly disappeared.

"Ice Age!"

An indifferent voice came out, and Xiao Chen sent a stronger chill. The next moment, the strong people such as Mucheng were shocked to discover that the Patriarch of the Xiao family and Xiao Yichen were instantly frozen in ice, and their swords It was only an inch away from Xiao Chen's head, but even an inch away, they couldn't pierce it anymore.

"How is this possible?"

Eighteen powerhouses looked at Xiao Chen in shock. The Patriarch of the Xiao family and Xiao Yichen were very good at the Avenue of Ice. Few people could rival them, but the scene before them directly refreshed their worldview. Those who were good at the Avenue of Ice were sealed. Living.

"What about you, do you want to come up and play." Xiao Chen looked at the other strong men and said lightly.

The other strong men subconsciously took a step back, especially Lan Chong. He knew that Xiao Chen was not only stronger on the Dao of Ice, but also had stronger physical strength. He went up to play, wasn't he looking for abuse?

The same is true for other strong players. The Xiao Family Patriarch and Xiao Yichen are considered the strongest among them. They are not opponents in two fights, and they are not going to send food.

"The eighteen powerhouses are nothing but this. In my opinion, everyone here is rubbish, or even rubbish." Xiao Chen looked at them disdainfully.

"You are too presumptuous!" one person said angrily. They are all eighteen powerful people with famous names. When were they pointed at the nose and cursed waste? This made them extremely angry.

"I'm just presumptuous, I just want to scold you for rubbish, come and beat me if you refuse to accept, a bunch of cowards." Xiao Chen's attitude was extremely arrogant.

The eighteen powerhouses were very angry, but they were also very aggrieved, wishing to smash Xiao Chen's arrogant face.

"I can't accept being called a coward. Even if I can't beat it, I will leave a wound on your body." Lan Chong couldn't help but said angrily.

"Hahaha, Lan Chong of the 18th family is still considered a person, in the name of Xiao Chen, I challenge you to the 18th family. One of the 18th family is counted as one. Please do whatever you want. If you dare not, I see you Don't call Shibajia, just call Shishiichi insects."

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