Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1342: The strong Xiao family!

"He wants to kill me, you let me let him go, are you sure that your head is not sick?" Xiao Chen sneered: "Moreover, with your Sixth-tier cultivation base of Da Luo Xianjun, do you think you can keep me?"

"Little brother, it's not just him alone, don't you think we are humans?" A middle-aged man smiled jokingly, and the other eighteen strong men also looked at Xiao Chen with a sneer.

"And you are very unlucky. Not only us, but the ancestors of our eighteen families are all there. They are all the peak of Daluo Xianjun, and the 18 strong peaks of Daluo Xianjun. Do you think you can run?" The person sneered.

"Really? The eighteen Daluo Immortal Sovereigns are at the pinnacle, so big, but believe it or not, even if I kill him, it will be a kill for nothing!"

Xiao Chen sneered and said, Lan Han and Mu Wu were controlled by the Shen Jue, and presumably the other eighteen powerhouses were also controlled by the Shen Jue, and the masters controlled by the Shen Jue were the master.

Don't say killing Xiao Yichen, even if they let them commit suicide, they won't hesitate.

Moreover, even if they were not controlled by the Charge God Jue, with Xiao Chen's current cultivation base, they could all retreat.

"Mu Wu, this kid appeared in your Mu Family, what is the relationship between him and your Mu Family?" The Xiao Family Patriarch looked at Mu Wu and asked gloomily.

"Brother Xiao, wait for the ancestors to solve this matter." Mu Wu smiled bitterly, after all, Xiao Chen was invited by the ancestors of the Lan family.

"This little thing, do I need to trouble some ancestors? How can our eighteenth family be trampled on the head by a kid, it is better to just take him down." Yiren said.


"But, Brother Yichen is still in his hands." Everyone looked at Xiao Yichen at Xiao Chen's feet, and at this moment, the Xiao Family took the initiative and appeared in front of Xiao Chen at an extremely fast speed. Stabbed the Dao Bingjian towards Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen's expression became cold, and he wanted to step on Xiao Yichen to death, but he knew that the opponent belonged to the Qingling Xiao family, and he could be regarded as his own, naturally he couldn't attack him.

Seeing a sword stabbed by the Xiao Family Patriarch, Xiao Chen appeared not far away with a wing flash.

Feeling the strength that was pressing on him disappeared, Xiao Yichen hurriedly got up from the ground, his eyes full of resentment and killing intent when he looked at Xiao Chen.

"My Xiao family is insulting, you guys are willing to kill this kid with me."

The Patriarch of the Xiao family looked at Xiao Chen coldly.

"Patriarch Xiao, don't do it, let's wait for a few ancestors to solve it." Mucheng hurriedly stopped.

"Mucheng, you get out of the way, otherwise don't blame me for not giving you the face of the Mu family." The Patriarch of the Xiao family said coldly, completely not giving face to the Mucheng.

Mucheng's expression was a bit ugly. The overall strength of the Xiao family was indeed stronger than that of the Mu family, but after all, this was the Mu family, and the Patriarch of the Xiao family was so disrespectful, which made Mucheng very annoyed.

"Mu Patriarch, let me go, I would like to see how strong the Qingling Xiao Family is." At this moment, Xiao Chen's voice rang.

"Okay." Mucheng stepped aside gloomily, then glanced at the Xiao family leader and said, "Xiao Chen was personally invited by the Lan family ancestor and my Mu family ancestor, you can figure it out by yourself."

Leaving a threatening word, Mucheng stood aside, not intervening.

Hearing this, the Patriarch of the Xiao family sneered disdainfully, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Boy, come and die."

At the same time, Xiao Yichen also fought side by side with the Patriarch of the Xiao family, looking at Xiao Chen coldly: "Kill my son, today is your death date!"

"Do it, no ink." Xiao Chen said lightly.

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