Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1252: Eighteen companies punish them!

"Eighteen disciples who help outsiders deal with the eighteen schools are regarded as betraying the eighteen schools, and the eighteen schools punish them together!"

Lei Qingxuan said powerfully.

"Shangguan Ge, you heard it too, do you want to betray the Eighteenth Family?" Shangguan Xi looked at Shangguan Ge Dandan and asked.

"Eighteen families punish them?" There was a trace of contempt on Shangguange's face. "The fighting between the eighteen families has never stopped, but you told me that the eighteen families punish them. Are you sure you are not kidding?"

"Although you are Xuanxian Jiuzhong, you are only a disciple of the Shangguan family. There are some secrets, how can you know it." Shangguanxi glanced at Shangguan Ge and said lightly.

Hearing this, Shangguan Ge's eyes flashed with anger, because he was a branch disciple, so even if he broke through the nine layers of Daluo Xuanxian, he would not be taken seriously in Shangguan family.

"Shangguan Ge, she is just a junior. What are you afraid of? I'm talking about my Heavenly Pill Valley to protect you, and who dares to move you!" The old man said impatiently.

"Senior said that!" Shangguan Ge said.

"You two hurry up and grab them. When this young man is happy, he may be able to reward you both." Li Huo yelled.

"Yes, son!" Shangguan Ge and the old man said at the same time.

"One by one, kill them, we still have business to do." Xiao Jingjing walked out from behind and said to Lei Qingxuan.

"Okay!" Lei Qingxuan nodded, and walked directly towards the old man, Xiao Jingjing appeared with a sword of ice road in his hand, rushing towards Shangguan Ge.

"Big brother, can the two of them win?" Hua Yanzi asked as she looked at the two sides who were already fighting together.

"Of course you can win." Xiao Chen said lightly. Lei Qingxuan and Xiao Jingjing are both nine golden pills, and Xiao Jingjing has a variant golden pill. In addition, Xiao Chen has never been stingy, and is a great way to invest in them. There are also a lot of results, the current combat power of the two is not comparable to that of the ordinary Da Luo Xuanxian nine layers.

And as long as the chance is enough, the two can break through the fairy monarch Daluo at any time.

"What a domineering avenue of thunder!" Lei Qingxuan has been pressing and beating the old man, and his heart is suffocated to the extreme. Seeing Shangguan Ge who is also being pressed and beaten, he has an unclear premonition in his heart.

He also didn't expect that there was a second Daluo Xuanxian Nine Layer among this group of people. He thought that they could easily win each other two to one. It's fine now, I'm afraid they will lose soon.

When the old man's eyes moved, he blocked Lei Qingxuan while facing Lihuo's voice transmission.

After a long while, Li Huo nodded, and then a token appeared in his hand, with a pill on it, and shouted at the crowd watching around: "Who can take them for this young man? Whose pill belongs to him? I owe him a favor when I leave home."

The voice of Li Huo fell, and many strong people on the scene looked at Dan Ling, their eyes instantly valued, and all of them showed greed.

With the elixir, you can ask an immortal pharmacist to refine any pill in the Heavenly Pill Valley. Whether you refine the pill yourself or sell it to other powerful people, you can get great benefits.

And there is a favor of being away from home, which is not comparable to a few pills. Therefore, many strong people are a little moved when they hear Li Huo's words.

"Young Master Lihuo is true?" A Da Luo Xuanxian asked cautiously.

"Of course, do you dare to question this son?" Li Huo coldly snorted.

"Don't dare." The strong man replied: "I am willing to help Master Li Huo."

The voice of this strong man fell, and then many strong men expressed their opinions.

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