Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1251: Shangguanxi!

On the street, all people watching this scene were dumbfounded and completely at a loss. Even Li Huo did not react. After a long while, Li Huo covered his face and looked at the scene invincibly invincibly. People, how dare you hit me?"

"Pop!" Mu Wudi slapped his backhand again, and said coldly: "Keep your mouth clean. No one in your family teaches you how to talk? Or do you just have wild species that no one teaches in your life."

Mu Invincible has a hot personality, and he didn't expect that cursing would be so sharp.

"Little girl, you are looking for death!" Li Huo hadn't reacted yet, and the old man behind him was already angry. He slapped Invincible with the palm of the hand, with a strong atmosphere of Dao in his hand.

Xiao Chen glanced at the old man unexpectedly. As expected, leaving home was a big deal, and even arranged for a nine-fold powerful Daluo Xuanxian to guard Lihuo.

"Old guy, I'm not ashamed of doing sneak attacks against a junior." Lei Qingxuan not far away has turned into a thunder light and appeared in front of Mu Wudi, with the road of thunder in his fist, and punched the old man. .

The two went back a few steps, and the old man looked at Lei Qingxuan a little solemnly: "Daluo Xuanxian Nine Layers!"

When the old man's voice fell, everyone looked at Lei Qingxuan with a little amazement. The opponent was so young that he was already at the nine-layer cultivation base of Daluo Xuanxian. Could it be that the opponent is not the power of the Four Emperors.

"Who are you?" the old man asked.

"Eighteen, Lei's, Lei Qingxuan!"

The old man's complexion changed slightly. When did the Eighteen Schools have such a young Profound Immortal nine-fold powerhouse, but the Eighteen Schools are just the fourth step force in the fairy world, and they are incomparable with Dangu.

"Lei family, you are so bold that you dare to do something to my Tiandangu disciples. If you can accompany my young master well today, you might be able to spare your life, otherwise the eighteen schools will become seventeen. "The old man said coldly.

"Elder Zhang, why do you tell them so much? The disciples of the eighteenth schools dared to beat this young master. If you don't play them to death today, this young master will not call Lihuo!" After being slapped twice, Li Huo went crazy.

"My son, don't worry, the old slave promises to take them down!" The old man said gloomily, then glanced behind him and said: "Shangguan Ge, the old man knows you are there. Help the old man take down this girl. Tiandan Pavilion can cooperate with your Shangguan family. ."

"If Mr. Lihuo can swear, I can believe it." The old man's voice fell, and a middle-aged man walked out, watching the old man and said lightly.

"Okay, help this young master take them, you Shangguan's pill, I left home." Li Huo said.

"Thank you, Mr. Lihuo." Shangguan Ge Daxi, with so many people here, he would not think that he would regret leaving home, and Lihuo was originally an immortal pharmacist with excellent talent. It is profitable without harm.

"Shangguange, how can you represent the Shangguan family? Do you know that they are all from the Eighteen Family. You help outsiders to do something against the Eighteen Family. Do you know how serious the consequences are?"

Just as Shangguange's voice fell, Shangguanxi, who had been quietly watching all this happen, said suddenly, and the words were full of sternness.

"Shangguanxi, what do you mean? According to your seniority, you are just a junior. How can you interrupt here!"

No one thought that Shangguan Xi would stop Shangguan Ge, which caused a trace of anger on Shangguan Ge's face and asked gloomily.

"Sister Qingxuan, the eighteen disciples help outsiders deal with the eighteen disciples, what are the consequences?" Shangguanxi ignored the angry Shangguan Ge, but looked at Lei Qingxuan with a smile.

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