Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1164: The lord obstructed!

"You can take revenge!" Xiao Chen glanced at the already paralyzed Medu, and said lightly.

"Thank you, Master!" Lin Sheng arched his hands, then looked at Medu, his eyes full of hatred, "You chased my wife and me and killed my wife in the tomb of the Sword Saint, today I will use you On the top of the head, pay tribute to my wife!"

"Go to hell!" Lin Sheng had a long sword in his hand and cut it at Medu's neck.

"Stop!" Suddenly a voice full of majesty and indisputability resounded, and Lin Sheng trembled suddenly. With this sound, he felt his fairy soul trembling.

Xiao Chen and others all looked at the source of the sound, and saw a group of people coming quickly from a distance. The front was a middle-aged man who seemed full of majesty, and his breath was so vast that even Hua Yingguang and Mei Huahan could not be compared.

Seeing the few people around the middle-aged man, Xiao Chen frowned. He saw Ye Chen and others. However, the few people around the middle-aged man that caught Xiao Chen's attention most were all in yellow robes and it was not difficult to recognize them. , These people are the powerhouses of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Participate in the city lord!" Mei Huahan respectfully salutes after seeing the middle-aged man. The person in front of him is the city lord of Diling City! Jinxian six-tier powerhouse, the well-deserved first person in Di Lingcheng.

Manli nodded faintly at Mei Huahan, then his eyes fell on Xiao Chen and the others, frowning slightly, with some doubts in his heart: "One immortal, two immortals, other people can't detect their specific strength, why? "

"Who are you? Why do you want to slaughter in Lingcheng in our land, is it true that there is no one in Lingcheng?" Man Li cast aside his doubts and asked in a deep voice.

"You should be the city lord of Diling City, don't you think you are very idle, do you even have to intervene with personal grievances?" Xiao Chen said lightly while looking at Man Li.

"Private grievances? What private grievances caused you to destroy the Langya Sect, and now you are still running to Meihua Villa to make trouble!" Man Li said solemnly.

"Langya Sect wanted to kill us, we killed us, and weeded away the roots. Don't the city master understand these principles? As for coming to Meihua Villa, it's just a grievance between the two of them. Does the city master also intervene?" Xiao Chen asked lightly. Tao.

"My Lord City Lord, Medu is the son-in-law of Lie's family. Please also ask the City Lord to help!" Mei Huahan pleaded.

Hearing Mei Huahan's voice, Man Li glanced at Medo, his expression slightly changed, and looked at Xiao Chen and said, "What if the city's chief intervenes?"

"Intervene?" Xiao Chen smiled slightly before facing Lin Shengdao: "Kill it!"

Lin Sheng did not hesitate at all, raising the knife in his hand and cutting off Medu's head.

"Do you still intervene now?" Xiao Chen asked lightly.

Everyone on the court looked at Xiao Chen, completely dumbfounded.

Even Ye Chen, Man Li, the old man and other strong golden immortals were stunned.

They didn't expect Xiao Chen to be so courageous, and after Manli said he would intervene, he dared to let others do it.

The Man Li and the strong man in the City Lord's Mansion who had reacted, both looked at Xiao Chen with an angry expression.

"You are so bold! You are despising the city lord, despising the Heavenly Desolate Palace!" Man Li was completely angry.

"Oh!" Xiao Chen faintly uttered, and then said: "People have been killed, and revenge has been taken. Let's go."

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen and the others left directly, and Lin Sheng gathered Medu's head together and hurriedly followed.

Watching Xiao Chen and the others leave, the polite Qiqiao was producing smoke, do these people completely treat him as air?

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