Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1163: Medo!

"Just as he said, only punish the first evil!" Lin Shuangshuang said lightly, Lin Shuangshuang spoke, Lin Huahua naturally had no opinion.

"Okay." Xiao Chen nodded, and then said to Mei Huahan: "I am waiting to come, just for revenge, hand him over, we will leave!"

Xiao Chen pointed at the wretched man.

Mei Huahan looked at the wretched man Xiao Chen was referring to, his face changed, and then he said: "He is my righteous brother. If my brother offends you, I am willing to make compensation. If you want to take him away. Excuse me, Mei Huahan can’t follow my fate."

Mei Huahan said, neither humble nor overbearing.

Not only because this person is his righteous person, but also because this person is an important person in his relationship with the flame family. Although he looks a bit wretched, he is good at speaking and is favored by the Lie family daughter.

It was also because of the Lie family that she even promoted him to the deputy owner of Meihua Villa. Although he was only the fifth heavenly immortal, it was true that Meihua Villa had the highest authority besides Meihuahan.

Hearing Mei Huahan's voice, Xiao Chen's expression also changed, and he said coldly: "If this is the case, then grab it."

"Dare you!" The wretched man jumped out and said loudly, "Do you know who I am? My name is Medu, the son-in-law of the Lie family."

"Does the Lie family know? That is one of the four major forces in Yunlong County. There are nine powerful golden immortals sitting in the clan, what can you do with me?"

Medu is very arrogant. He came back this time to get Mei Huahan and Young Master Lie’s line together. He didn't expect to encounter revenge.

However, after watching Lin Sheng for a long time, he didn't remember where this offended enemy was.

"Is it Yunlong County again?" Xiao Chen sneered, and then said lightly: "Do it, the man blocks and kills them, the three of them, Xiaoyue, you solve it yourself."

"Okay!" Su Xiaoyue nodded, and then slowly walked towards Mei Huahan. Suddenly there were more fairy symbols in her hand, and then as if conjuring tricks, one fairy symbol appeared in her hand.

"I don't want to hurt women, so you'd better not move. If so many fairy talismans explode at the same time, you should know the consequences." Su Xiaoyue's arms are covered with fairy talismans, and the weakest ones are the eighth-grade fairy talismans. There is no shortage of seven products.

Mei Huahan and the others were completely stunned. In the immortal world, immortal talisman, immortal implement, and immortal puppet are all high-quality goods. In this remote and desolate realm, even the golden immortal may not have one.

And the woman in front of her possessed so many immortal charms, which made her guess the identity of Su Xiaoyue.

Tyrant sword walked towards Medu, but Mei Huahan and others did not dare to do it. If these fairy charms explode at the same time, maybe she could survive, but the others might be wiped out.

"What do you want to do? I'm the son-in-law of the Lie family, kill me, the Lie family won't let you go!" Medo shouted looking at Tyrant Dao.

Ba Dao sneered with disdain, and at this moment, a glimmer of cold flashed in Medu's eyes, and a dagger appeared in his hand, stabbing at Ba Dao.

"Go to hell!" Medo roared bitterly, but as soon as his voice fell, the dagger in his hand was grabbed by the overlord knife, and he snatched it over, snapped it to pieces, and swallowed it.

"Eight-Rank Immortal Tool, the taste is not bad!" Ba Dao grinned, and this directly frightened Medu stupidly, and said in horror: "What kind of monster are you?"

"Hmph, you are not qualified to know!" Tyrant snorted coldly, then shattered his immortal power with a punch and threw him at the feet of Lin Sheng!

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