Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1160: Let's kill you!

"You are so courageous to come to my Langya Sect to make trouble. Have you been idle for too long?"

Hua Ying's gaze swept across the crowd coldly, and at the same time, Langya Sect also poured out many people, most of whom were strong earth and heavenly immortals.

"Are you the Sect Master Langya?" Xiao Chen looked at Hua Yingguang, only he had the highest cultivation level in the field.

"No matter who you are, this sect dared to come to my Langya sect to make trouble, then let me die!" Hua Yingguang said coldly, his anger at this time urgently needs to be vented, and these people in front of him are his way of venting.

When the voice fell, Hua Yingguang took a step forward, and the five-fold aura of the Golden Immortal broke out completely, and a long sword appeared in his hand, entwined by the fairy light.

"Langya Sword Technique!"

Hua Yingguang snorted coldly, and slashed directly at Xiao Chen and the others, and a huge sword shadow formed and slashed at Xiao Chen and the others.

The old man from the Ye family not far away looked at Hua Yingguang, with a dignified look in his eyes: "That should be the sixth-rank immortal weapon Langya sword left by Langya Sect, and the sixth-rank immortal sword Langya sword technique, relying on the Langya sword and the Langya sword. In France, Hua Yingguang can play against the Golden Immortal six-tier powerhouse, but he didn't expect that he would directly use his hole cards."

"It seems that this old guy is very angry, and he did this for us to show, it is useful to show him." Ye Chen said lightly, with a trace of disdain on his face.

When that huge sword shadow was cut down, suddenly a few more sword shadows overlapped each other. If you didn't pay attention, you wouldn't find that it was multiple sword shadows.

"I'm coming!" Tyrant Dao took a step, his eyes suddenly shot out, and then his hands turned into two big knives, which were cut at Jian Ying, and the swords and shadows were cut to Jian Ying.

Immediately after everyone's shocked gaze, Jian Ying was cut to pieces by the sword light.

"I can't stand a blow, you also take my move!" Ba Dao sneered, and then kicked out at Hua Yingguang, a sword light came out, with a powerful sword force, more powerful than Hua Yingguang's sword force. Be strong.

Ye Chen, the old man, and Hua Yingguang's expressions changed drastically at the same time, especially Hua Yingguang, this sword shadow came to him, he felt the most deeply, hurriedly cut out a sword, and then held the sword to block.


Hua Yingguang's body was like a cannonball, hitting the building behind him, and the entire building collapsed in an instant, and the entire field was silent. Even the young and the old looked at Tyrant Sword in shock.

It wasn't until a long time later that a cough awakened everyone. Hua Yingguang appeared in the ruins embarrassedly, a knife mark appeared on the Langya sword, and Hua Yingguang's mouth was drenched with blood.

Hua Yingguang, the fifth Golden Immortal, was cut with a single knife, which made all Langya Sect disciples feel like they were dreaming.

"Who are you?" At this moment, Hua Yingguang asked Ba Dao as a strong person of the same level and solemnly asked.

Ba Dao didn't speak, but looked at Xiao Chen, and at the same time, Hua Yingguang, Ye Chen and the old man also looked at Xiao Chen.

When they found that Xiao Chen had only a human and immortal cultivation base, each and every one of them showed a strange light.

"Your son Huabi wanted to kill me and was killed by me, you Langya Sect mountain general, wanted to kill me, and was killed by me, your Langya Sect strongman wanted to kill us, and was killed by me, in order to remove the roots, so Let's kill you!"

Xiao Chen's faint voice shocked the entire Langya Sect. Even Hua Yingguang only reacted after a long time and looked at Xiao Chen, extremely angry.

"It was you who killed my Langya Sect!?"

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