Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1159: It's all gone!

But this matter is too big, even if Hua Yingguang is angry, he must report it.

"Sect Master, the soul lamp is out!"

"The soul lamp is off, whose soul lamp is off?" Hua Yingguang originally wanted to get angry, but when he heard the soul lamp was off, he calmed down. The elder in front of him was in charge of the soul lamp, and he was in charge of the high level of Langya Sect. .

"It's all gone!"

"Everything is gone?" Hua Yingguang was taken aback, even if he couldn't think of it, all of his Langya Sect high-level officials had died.

The elder swallowed, with cold sweat on his forehead, and stammered: "The two deputy suzerains, the three major guardians, and the eight sons, all of them have their soul lamps off!"

"what did you say!"

Hua Yingguang stood up suddenly, and the five-fold aura of the Golden Immortal burst out instantly, and the bloodthirsty aura locked on the elder, and his voice was cold and stern: "You are saying it again!"

Everyone in the hall felt a chill, and the oppressed them were very uncomfortable. At this moment, the old man behind Chen snorted, and at the same time a breath no less than Hua Yingguang spread.

Hearing a cold snort, Hua Yingguang immediately reacted, and hurriedly closed his breath, first apologized to Ye Chen and others, then suppressed the anger in his heart, and asked in a deep voice: "What's the matter?"

"The sect master, the two deputy sect masters, the three major guardians, and the soul lamps of the eight young masters were all extinguished at almost the same time." The elder said quickly. At that time, his soul was scared off after seeing all the soul lamps extinguished.

"The two deputy suzerains are both Golden Immortal's first-level powerhouse, and with the addition of three heavenly immortals and nine-level powerhouse, even if Meihua Villa and Hungry Wolf will sneak attacks, it is impossible to kill them at the same time, unless they are both Meihuahan and Hungry Wolf. Shot."

Hua Yingguang said gloomily, Mei Huahan and Hungry Wolf are the owners and presidents of Plum Blossom Villa and Hungry Wolf Club, and they are both Golden Immortal Five Powers.

However, Hua Yingguang didn't believe that it was the two of them who made the shot. If they were both of them, it would be a shame. Although Hua Yingguang could not help them, the others would not be Hua Yingguang's opponents.

I am afraid that all three of them will become polished commanders.

Hua Yingguang didn't believe the two would do such a stupid thing, but who could do such a thing in Diling City?

"You people in Langya Sect are all destroyed?" Ye Chen said suddenly, a little coldness in his voice.

Although Langya Sect is nothing to the Ye Family, the Ye Family also has plans to control Diling City through Langya Sect. Now only Hua Yingguang is left to die from the powerful Langya Sect, what can he do.

Hua Yingguang also discovered the coldness of the youth, which made him even more angry. The reason why the Ye family agreed to marry Ye Yingying to his son, was it not because of the strength of Langya Sect.

Now the strength gap between the two is even greater, even if you marry the Ye family, I am afraid they will only be reduced to marginal thugs.

Thinking of this, he almost vomited blood, his eyes were red, his voice was hoarse, and he was full of murderous intent: "Check me, no matter who it is, I will let them pay for it."

"Who is the Sect Master Langya? Come out and die!"

Just as Hua Yingguang's murderous voice fell, a faint voice sounded in Langya Sect.

After hearing this voice, Hua Yingguang almost vomited blood again. The Langyazong powerhouse had just been killed, and someone came up to provoke him, which made him unable to suppress his anger.

Hua Yingguang didn't even say hello to the Ye family, but rushed out of the hall, and then saw Xiao Chen and others standing in mid-air.

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