Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1147: Make a fortune!

"No more." Qin Feng gave Xiao Chen a white look, and was very upset at his rejection of her kindness.

Xiao Chen walked to Qin Feng's side, whispered a few words in her ear, Qin Feng's expression changed drastically.

"What you said is true?"

"Of course, do I have to lie to you?" Xiao Chen said flatly.

Qin Feng cast a helpless glance at Xiao Chen, secretly glanced at Yun Batian, and then nodded.

Qin Feng found other people from the Tianyan Chamber of Commerce, collected the resources, threw them to Xiao Chen, and then looked at Xiao Chen with resentment.

Xiao Chen checked the resources in the storage ring, nodded in satisfaction, and then gave Qin Feng a hundred corpse Qi Pill.

Then, Xiao Chen looked at other people on the isolated island and shouted, "Don't miss it when you pass by. The Shiqi Pill is on sale. Only you have the fairy crystal, the fairy pill, the fairy medicine, the fairy talisman, and the fairy weapon. Lingshi can be used in large quantities, and there will be no such shop after passing this village."

Xiao Chen's voice fell, and for a while everyone looked at Xiao Chen blankly, even Qin Feng, Feng Sihai and the others.

These people obviously have a certain understanding of the corpse qi pills. Hearing that Xiao Chen sold the corpse qi pills in batches, they were all shocked, but after the shock, they were ecstatic.

The corpse Qi Pill may not have much effect in the outside world, but in the fairy palace, it has a huge effect.

Not long after they came in, they were driven to the isolated island by the corpse soldiers, and nothing was done.

They came in just to look for opportunities, and no one wanted to wait here, so when Xiao Chen's voice fell, many powerful men stepped forward.

In the Kengyuan Value Mall, the price of the corpse qi pill is not expensive, and you can buy a dozen corpse qi pill for any elixir.

Xiao Chen did not refuse to come and exchanged a large amount of corpse qi pills directly. As long as you have the resources, Xiao Chen will have enough corpse qi pills.

In the end, with the help of Qin Feng, almost everyone exchanged dozens of corpse qi pills, and if all the resources obtained by Xiao Chen were exchanged for pit fate value, there would be a million.

Later, Xiao Chen also gave Ba Dao and Su Xiaoyue some corpse Qi pills for free, and asked them to give them to the disciples behind them.

Xiao Chen was overjoyed when he watched the recovery of Kengyuan Value, and then led the seven to leave, and the other strong men also took the Corpse Qi Pill to find their own opportunities.

Two days later, Xiao Chen and his group came to the nearest stone pillar. There was a cloud over the sky. These corpse soldiers did not dare to approach at all. Instead, they all hid far away.

"Impossible, there is a no-fly area near the palace on the stone pillar, even if I can't fly up." When Xiao Chen explained his intention, Yun Batian said indifferently.

Everyone didn't know how high the palace on the stone pillar was. If it couldn't fly up and fell down, it would definitely be broken.

"I have a way!" Xiao Chen said, then sacrificed Ling Tian and turned into a stick in the slightly surprised eyes of the seven.

"Cheating my divine weapon, long!" Xiao Chen drank lowly in his heart, and then Ling Tian seemed to be like a golden hoop, in the shocked eyes of everyone, he began to lift up.

"Long, long, long!"

Ling Tian kept pulling up, Xiao Chen sat on the top of the sky together, until it was about ten thousand meters high, Xiao Chen saw a palace hidden in the clouds.

A very simple atmosphere came from the palace. The three characters of Pill Refining Pavilion were engraved on the palace, only three characters, but Xiao Chen's fairy soul was shocked.

"It's such a powerful coercion. The person who engraved these three characters at the beginning must be a strong person who surpasses the gods." Xiao Chen was shocked, and then under the control of his mind, Ling Tian fell directly on the stone pillar.

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