Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1146: Horror Cloud Dominator!

"We got involved, what can you do?" Feng Sihai looked at Hua Bi disdainfully, and Qin Feng just smiled faintly.

"You don't need to intervene in this matter, I will solve it myself." Xiao Chen stopped the two, then looked at Qin Feng and said, "Don't forget my resources."

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng was anxious, "Greek!"

The people around looked at Xiao Chen like an idiot, even Jian Yin and Tie Suo sneered at Xiao Chen.

"Hehe, idiot boy." Hua Bi said coldly.

Xiao Chen ignored everyone's gazes, but instead looked at the Corpse Soldier King not far away, and said indifferently: "Help me beat them to death. You will follow me in the future and take care of you!"

Everyone was taken aback and looked at the youth one after another.

"It's him, this is a brutal generation. Someone provoke him just now and was punched to death by him."

"What does this kid mean, is he trying to solicit this guy?"

"This kid will definitely be beaten to death."

However, to their surprise, the young man stood up, looked at Xiao Chen indifferently and said, "Do you count the words?"

"Of course, I, Xiao Chen, kept saying everything." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"it is good!"

The young man's voice fell, and suddenly disappeared in place, and appeared in front of Hua Bi the next moment.

Bang bang bang!

Then everyone discovered that the person headed by Hua Bi was blown out with a punch, and there were bursts of cracked breastbones.

Everyone was stunned, and didn't expect that the youth would listen to Xiao Chen's words and say they would do it.

What made them even more shocked and even scared was that everyone had their breast bones broken by the youth, spurting out a mouthful of blood, which was terrible.

There is no shortage of masters present, but none of them can see the youth.

Watching Hua Bi and other nine-tier masters of the earth immortals were beaten to the sternum with one punch.

The eyes of the people around looking at the youth were full of fear.

With an indifferent expression, the youth walked to Xiao Chen's side and looked at him indifferently.

Xiao Chen was also taken aback. He didn't expect the youth to be so strong. When his mind moved, Xiao Chen's finger showed a corpse fire and said, "Is it enough?"

The youth nodded.

Xiao Chen flicked his finger, the corpse fire floated in front of the young man, and the young man swallowed it in one bite.

"My name is Yun Batian. From now on, you will be my elder brother." After Yun Batian said, he walked aside and sat cross-legged.

"Yun Batian, good name." Xiao Chen smiled indifferently, Ling Tian appeared in his hand and came to Jian Yin and the others.

At this time they were seriously injured, and they didn't even have the strength to speak, they just begged for mercy with their eyes.

Xiao Chen didn't pay any attention at all, and in the horrified eyes of everyone, he gave everyone a knife.

The reminder sounded continuously in Xiao Chen's mind, but it was the five nine-tier masters of the earth immortals that surprised him, and unexpectedly exploded three War God suits and two Ice suits.

Of course, the most important thing is Xianli and the resources of a few people. Xiao Chen took a look and was delighted.

"Lin Shuangshuang, Lin Huahua, Jiang Yuqing, Ba Dao, Su Xiaoyue, Feng Sihai, Yun Batian, you seven follow me!" Xiao Chen looked at the seven, and then took another look at Ba Dao and Su Xiaoyue.

"You two come with me, I promise you won't regret it!"

The two were silent, glanced at Yun Batian who was coming, and finally nodded.

"Qin Feng, for the sake of our acquaintance, I'm selling you some Corpse Qi Pill, do you want to?" Xiao Chen then looked at Qin Feng not far away.

If Yun Batian leaves with him, the island will be destroyed by the corpse soldiers in an instant.

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