Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1138: Blade storm!

Soon, Xiao Chen pulled out the fairy artifact on the stone pillar, and then rescued a dozen people. After these people survived, although they have lost resources, they are still grateful to Xiao Chen, there are some who are expressionless, and some are uncomfortable. Some of Xiao Chen's views Xiao Chen's cultivation as weak as Qin Shi, and avenged his gratitude.

But this time the wind and the world were prepared. As early as when Xiao Chen went in to save people, they set up the Thunder Array. When they wanted to do something, they directly urged the Thunder Array to suppress them, and then, without mercy, they All beheaded.

The others were frightened. Although the half-immortal powerhouse was not in their eyes, this formation made them feel lingering, and then left one by one.

After that, Feng Sihai studied the formation method and Xiao Chen refined it. It didn't take long before Feng Sihai once again mastered the golden evil formation. Just as the wind and the world were elated, the teleportation formation appeared again.

Then the two met the formation again.


Thunder, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind.

Xiao Chen and the others encountered a total of seven formations, all seven immortal artifacts were collected by Xiao Chen, and all seven formations were cracked by the wind.

The wind around the world watched the immortal robbery on Xiao Chen's head disperse, and said in a daze, "Brother Xiao Chen, are you going through the robbery and become an immortal?"

This is too ridiculous, there are six immortal calamities, but Xiao Chen's immortal robbery falls into nine, and when Xiao Chen crosses the calamity, he is just like playing, even dozing off.

In the distance, many people who were rescued by Xiao Chen from the wind array were also stupid. They all looked at Xiao Chen in disbelief. When they crossed the catastrophe, they had all kinds of preparations, but Xiao Chen directly used their flesh to harden them. Resisting, and showing a comfortable expression, it's really more popular than others.

"No, why didn't Dilian and Xiangyun appear?" Suddenly someone asked strangely.

This was the basic sign that all the talents found that Xiao Chen really did not appear to be immortal.

Xiao Chen was also a little stunned, because he found that the ground lotus and auspicious clouds all appeared in the fairyland of the stars, the green scales were bathed in the auspicious clouds of billions of miles, and the ground lotus that covered hundreds of millions of miles was continuously pouring into the real body of the green dragons.

"How is this going?"

"Qinglin has absorbed your gift from Heaven, and she has also begun to evolve. Starting today, the Heavenly Star Immortal Domain can continuously give birth to people and immortals." Tian Xinger explained.

At the same time, Xiao Chen also discovered that in the Heavenly Star Immortal Realm, all the powerhouses above the Immortal Emperor were enlightened.

It is not hard to imagine that after this epiphany, their cultivation base will advance by leaps and bounds.

"Ding, congratulations to player Xiao Chen for being promoted to a fairy!"

"Ding, congratulations to the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory and Heavenly Dao's advancement!"

"Ding, congratulations to the players for getting Qinglin's gift of Immortal Storm!"

"Ding, congratulations to player Xiao Chen for advancing to the ranks of immortals and getting the system's last free skill fusion!"

"Ding, start skill fusion, Wan Jian Guizong merges with Immortal Storm to form a new skill Blade Storm!"

Hearing the system's voice, Xiao Chen's face was overjoyed, and he hurriedly checked Blade Storm. After reading it, Xiao Chen swearing.

Blade Storm also needs ten thousand fairy swords, but its power is strengthened beyond imagination. Wind blades can be formed around every fairy sword.

And these wind blades are tornadoes that slash people, Xiao Chen can be sure that if he uses the blade storm, it can cover half of the sword hidden door.

However, it takes a lot of celestial power to use the sword storm, even if Xiao Chen is now far beyond the human celestial power, it can't be fully activated once.

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