Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1137: Meet the formation again!

When the voice fell, Qin Feng had already swept away.

A hundred celestial beings, isn’t that strong?

Xiao Chen was also a little shocked, the Tianyan Chamber of Commerce's background was stronger than he thought.

"Brother Feng, what's the matter with the breath she just said?" Xiao Chen asked.

"This is some tracking method of some big forces in the immortal world, mainly to capture a ray of immortal soul breath of the immortal cultivator. The immortal soul aura of any immortal cultivator is fixed and unchanging. So, whether you are disguised or disguised, Nothing like that can escape the chase of the Tianyan Chamber of Commerce." Feng Sihai explained with a somewhat ugly expression.

"I don't know if that kid hates me. If I were hunted down, it would be too pitiful."

"If this is the case, then I can only say sorry." Xiao Chen said in a tandem, that the matter had already happened, and he had no choice.

"Unlucky for me, I met you a broom star." Feng Sihai said helplessly, and then ignored Xiao Chen and began to study the formation.

Xiao Chen didn't say much. He turned around and walked into the formation, taking in the power of the rules, and after collecting the storage rings from the two of them, he strengthened the divine thunder body while refining the power of the rules.

Ten minutes later, the formation suddenly disappeared, and Xiao Chen also opened his eyes.

"You cracked the formation?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Yes, now I have fully understood the formation of falling thunder, can also be arranged, worship me?" Feng Sihai has forgotten the unhappiness just now, and said proudly.

"You are amazing, I admire you so much." Xiao Chen said in a flat tone.

"Forget it, forget it, by the way, how did I find that you have become stronger, your current strength is already in the semi-immortal late stage." Feng Sihai said with some uncertainty.

"I am indeed in the late half-immortal stage." Xiao Chen nodded.

"Aren't you just in the mid-half fairy stage?"

"Yes indeed."

"Then why are you in the late semi-immortal stage now?"

"Can't I improve my strength?"

"You..." The wind was stunned: "Who are you?"

"Xiao Chen." Xiao Chen said lightly.


Suddenly, a circle of light rose under the feet of the two of them. Xiao Chen was taken aback, and Feng Sihai's expression changed: "This is the teleportation array."

The voice fell, and the two suddenly disappeared.

When the two appeared again, there was still a valley in front of them. There were still a group of people and a fairy in the valley, and the valley also had a formation.

It's just that it's not a thunder formation, but a sharp golden evil aura, forming a variety of spears, swords and halberds, slaughtering the cultivators in the formation recklessly.

After feeling this breath, a trace of horror appeared on Xiao Chen's face. He remembered the tragic situation when the Scarlet Golden Holy Physique was condensed. At that time, he was scarred by the Jin Sha's breath almost every day, and it was horrible.

"The Jinsha Array, I didn't expect it to be the same array as the Thunder Array. I have to study it carefully." There was a light in Feng Sihai's eyes, and he went straight to the trouble.

Xiao Chen ignored him either, transformed into a pure golden body, and rushed in.

After transforming into a body of pure gold, the formation would not attack him at all. Xiao Chen moved forward while taking in the power of the rules on the corpse, and could also absorb the power of the golden evil spirit.

After meeting the survivors, Xiao Chen also became a giant, but this time he asked the other party to pay for the resources before he saved the lives.

At the juncture of life and death, many people paid for the resources without thinking about it. Some people yelled at Xiao Chen for taking advantage of the fire, but Xiao Chen just smiled indifferently, and let them fend for themselves.

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