Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1071: Life and death contract!

"Tian Dao'er, Tian Yan'er."

Xiao Chen looked at the second girl in surprise.

"Dad Xiao Chen, grandpa, it's been a long time since I saw you." The two girls said at the same time.

"Why are you two here?" Xiao Chen asked curiously.

"Grandpa, we are here to help you." Tian Yan'er said.

"help me?"

"Yes, help you create the way of heaven, palm reincarnation!" Tian Daoer said seriously.

"Are these two of them the helpers of the system?" Xiao Chen asked in doubt.

"Dad Xiao Chen, recruit the wise incarnation of Fang Tiandao."

"Yeah." Xiao Chen nodded, did not ask much, and then hugged Qinglin in his arms.

Tian Dao'er waved her hand, and Qing Lin floated to her, and suddenly said: "As Tian Dao'er, I turned into Fang Tian Dao."

At the same time, Tian Yan'er also solemnly said: "In the body of Tian Yan'er, I have transformed into this Fangsara."

As their voices fell, their two bodies gradually turned into layers of light.

A voice suddenly rang in Xiao Chen's mind, and at the same time, these light spots all merged into Qinglin's body.

Immediately afterwards, the entire fairyland was surging.

Various peculiar phenomena of thunder and lightning, heavy rain, scorching sun, and snow are constantly appearing in the major states, and even the demon gods. At the same time, a blue dragon phantom suddenly appeared over the sea of ​​falling demon, and its huge body spanned the entire sea of ​​falling demon.

Qinglong kept making dragons, but what was strange was that no one could notice it, no matter if it was all kinds of visions or dragons. Only Xiao Chen saw this scene happen through Qinglin's eyes.

"I'm in the holy realm waiting for the adult's return." Xiao Chen seemed to understand the last roaring voice of Qinglong, and then Qinglong opened the void and disappeared, and the water in the sea of ​​falling demon turned blue.

Xiao Chen quietly watched the changes in Qinglin's eyes, and at the same time Tian Daoer's message sounded in his mind.

"Daddy Xiao Chen, the two of us who appeared in front of you are just a clone, the purpose is to help you create the way of heaven and reincarnate."

"The new Heavenly Dao is equivalent to the infancy, and it can grow by swallowing the fruit of other Heavenly Dao or Dao Dao."

"In addition, Dad Xiao Chen, time is running out, you have to come to the holy world as soon as possible, we are waiting for you in the holy world!"

"Where is the holy world?" Xiao Chen muttered. Although he didn't know where the holy world was, he knew that the holy world was definitely a place higher than the immortal world.

There is not much time left, what does it mean?

The two left Xiao Chen a lot of doubts, but he knew that as long as he kept getting stronger, these secrets would slowly be revealed.

Xiao Chen's heart was full of fighting spirit.

I don't know how long it took, Qing Lin suddenly opened his eyes, and all the visions in the fairyland disappeared.

"Big Brother." Qinglin exclaimed in surprise.

"Qinglin, you finally woke up!"

"Hey, very curious." A trace of confusion flashed in Qinglin's eyes, but soon, all the confusion disappeared and gradually brightened.

"Big brother, are you willing to sign a life and death contract with me?"

Qing Lin suddenly asked very seriously.

"Life and death contract, what is this?"

Xiao Chen was taken aback, somewhat unclear.

"After signing the life-and-death contract, if the eldest brother dies, I will die too. Similarly, if I die, the eldest brother will die too."

Qing Lin said.

"You should be the Dao of Heaven now, can I sign a contract with you? Also, if one of us dies after signing the contract, does it also mean that the Dao of Xianyu will be completely broken."

Xiao Chen asked.

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