Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1070: The main mission is complete!

After listening, Xiao Chen felt like playing a war game.

Resource collection, production construction, and creation of the Corps.

The Corps has four regiments: the Natural Corps, the Animal Corps, the Giant Corps, and the Little Man Corps.

Resource collection, in the world of One Piece, opened the demon world and plundered it, or directly used various resources to exchange into demon points for creation.

It is a pity that there is a setting that makes Xiao Chen speechless, he cannot enter the devil world.

After the introduction, Xiao Hei directly promised that she would build an army of strong demons for Xiao Chen.

Later, Xiaobai introduced the situation in the world of Jin Yong's martial arts. The generals have exceeded 500, and the soldiers have reached 500,000. The strength of the generals has reached the peak of the Xianzun, and the soldiers have reached the fifth level of the Xianzun.

These generals and soldiers are already a well-equipped army.

Xiao Chen talked with the two little elves for a long time, and he finally came up with a sentence, the three big worlds are much better than he thought.

On the hunting ground, Xiao Hei drove the Sonny, wherever he passed, all the alien races were wiped out, and when he encountered a powerful opponent, Xiao Qing started his hand.

A month later, Xiao Chen came out of the hunting ground, and the entire emperor-level hunting ground was hunted down. Xiao Chen glanced at Xiao Qing beside him, and felt confident in his heart.

Without the Sonny, with the three of them, it would take at least a year to penetrate the hunting ground.

After coming out of the hunting ground, Xiao Chen approached the Eastern Golden Dragon to learn about the situation of the Heavenly Star Sect in conquering the fairyland, and whether any special things happened in the fairyland.

After getting the answer, Xiao Chen nodded. The Chi You family did not make any movement due to the disappearance of the youth, and then instructed the Queen of the Eastern Golden Dragon to go directly to the world of One Piece, opening the Demon Abyss.

With no sun or moon in his cultivation, Xiao Chen stayed in the Devil's Abyss for five years, but only spent ten days in the fairyland.

Nine-turned Holy Communion, One-turn God-Thunder Holy Communion, Two-turn Ten Thousand Holy Communion, Three-turn Flame Holy Communion, Four-turn Ice Holy Communion, Five-turn Red Golden Holy Communion, Six Turn Cangmu Holy Communion, Seven-turn Hurricane Holy Communion, eight-turn Holy Light Holy Communion, nine-turn Kuaishui Holy Communion!

Within five years, Xiao Chen had cultivated all the nine sacraments to the first level, and the various sacraments could be switched at will.

After coming out of the retreat, Xiao Chen greeted Dongfang Jinlong, and then began to travel to places that Xianyu had never been to before. He wanted to see if he could meet someone with the blood of God of War.


Half a year later, Xiao Chen walked out of a restaurant in Dongzhou and sighed. After walking for so long, he didn't even meet anyone.

Xiao Chen didn't take a few steps, when a voice rang in his mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for completing the main quest and controlling the fairyland!"

"Ding! All the original mission rewards have disappeared, and you will get ten battles!"

The sound of the system fell, and there were ten more light groups in the warehouse. Inside the light groups were the souls of the ten war gods, but they were now like babies, huddled in the light groups.

Looking at the ten light groups, Xiao Chen was a little excited, and then nervously asked the system: "How do you bring them back to life?"

"Creating Heaven, Palm Reincarnation!"

"I also know, but how do you create heaven and palm reincarnation?"

"You can't do it with your current strength, but you don't have to worry, someone will help you later."

"Someone help me?" Xiao Chen was taken aback, and just as his voice fell, Xiao Chen suddenly felt that someone was pulling himself a hand, and then he found that he had come into a mysterious space.

And there are two grinning figures in front of him, looking at him.

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