Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1068: Sonny!

Xiao Chen, who was pitted by the system, returned to his residence depressed, but the room now was too quiet, quiet and a little bleak.

After the ten war gods died in battle, the eight deputy suzerains left, leaving only Xiao Chen and Tian Xing'er.

Xiao Chen sighed. He can't upgrade his level now, he can only find a way to improve his strength in other areas, and Xiaoqing and Black Bear are the best choices.

Xiao Chen quickly regained his energy, the immortal realm was up, and he had to go to the immortal realm to find eight deputy suzerains.

Afterwards, Xiao Chen came to the world of Jinyong martial arts and plunged into the hunting ground, still at the level of the immortal emperor, Xiao Chen, Xiaoqing, and the black bear began to push the hunting ground horizontally.

Time passed like a white horse, and half a month had passed in a blink of an eye. On that day, as soon as Xiao Chen retired from the hunting ground, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for completing the quest of the Demon God Sect!"

"Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for obtaining 100 million pit immortals and 100 million killing points!"

"Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for getting the system special reward: Sonny!"

"Congratulations to the players, the level of the World of War Soul increases by one, the level of Jin Yong's martial arts world increases by one, and the One Piece World increases by one!"

"The Sonny? Could it be the Sonny!"

Xiao Chen was taken aback and hurriedly checked that the Sonny was not a pirate ship, but more like a steel battleship.

Item: Sonny

Grade: Premium

Description: The Sonny can accommodate tens of thousands of people at the same time!

Description 2: The Sonny has a wind-to-air cannon, which is powerful, and the Sonny has a huge defense function!

Description 3: Sonny horn has not been activated yet, more functions can be obtained after activation.

"How to activate the device spirit?" Xiao Chen asked for the first time.

"do not know."

"Ha, I don't know?" Xiao Chen almost carried his breath away. The system was produced. It didn't know how to use it. Isn't this playing him on purpose?

"I don't know." The system added again.

Xiao Chen was completely speechless. He didn't know if the system really didn't know or didn't want to say it, but he also knew that the **** system would never say it.

"Stupid master, did you get the Sonny?" Xiao Hei said suddenly in surprise.

"The Sonny is not cheap, it needs hundreds of billions of killing points, Master, you are making a profit." Xiaobai also said.

"Hundreds of billions of killing points are so expensive!" Xiao Chen was startled.

"Of course, idiot master, go to the hunting ground, we two try its power!"

"You can do it?"

"Of course."

"Good!" Xiao Chen entered the hunting ground again.

After entering the hunting ground, without waiting for Xiao Chen's reaction, the Sonny in the system space had appeared in the distance, smoothly linear, and mighty.

The two elves screamed excitedly when they saw this, and rushed in, and Xiao Chen followed after seeing this.

There is a lot of space on the Sonny, and various facilities are complete. Xiao Chen even gave birth to the idea of ​​vacationing on it.

"Idiot master, Operation Sunny needs Xianjing."

Xiao Chen followed the two elves to the cockpit, and put the fairy crystals in the power source position to activate them. One recharge required thousands of fairy crystals. Xiao Chen did not have so many fairy crystals on him, so he used the spirit stones directly. , The energy is filled.

Soon, the sound of Kakaka came out, and the Sonny moved, slowly floating into the air, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai operating excitedly.

"Master, the Sonny has the function of jumping space, but with the current energy of the Sonny, it can only jump three times, each time...well, according to the title of the immortal emperor, the speed can be equivalent to its flight for three days and three nights. "

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