Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1067: Ladies!

"Of course." Xiao Chen smiled.

Cheng Qingling didn't say anything, and stood beside Chu Yunmeng.

"You didn't forget what happened in the Star Continent back then?" Mu Qingxuan came to Xiao Chen and asked.

"No." Xiao Chen nodded.

"Well, when we meet next time, I will force you to marry me." Mu Qingxuan smiled.

"I am looking forward."

"Xiao Chen, don't let us wait too long, otherwise I will cry!" Chang Qianqian said with a smile.

"You are only allowed to cry in front of me!" Xiao Chen said.

"It depends on when you found us." Chang Qianqian smiled and then stood beside Chu Yunmeng.

"My husband, I will always be waiting for you." Shangguanying threw herself into Xiao Chen's arms and said.

"I promise you that I will go to the fairy world to find you in a short time." Xiao Chen said seriously.

The girls looked at Xiao Chen silently, and at this moment, a black hole appeared beside Chu Yunmeng.

"Let's go, take care, husband!" Chu Yunmeng said, and then the girls were sucked into the black hole hand in hand.

"Let's go." Xiao Chen said silently after a while.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player for triggering the mission: Journey of the Goddess!"

"Task Level: sss"

"Task description: Find ten goddesses scattered everywhere!"

"Task Reward: Every time you find a goddess, you can get ten god-level attributes and spiritual powers, and your player level will increase by three!"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Chen asked, "Didn't they go together? Why would this kind of task be triggered."

"Oh, the system is wrong, and the fairy world is huge, and the goddesses are scattered to different places." The system said irresponsibly.

"Your sister!" The voice of the system made Xiao Chen very angry, and he cursed casually.

"There is no sister in this system!"

"My son, bastard."

"Advise the host not to abuse the system in dialect."

"Little Vagrant!"

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for triggering the mandatory mission: System Dignity!"

"Task level: F level!"

"Task description: The host abuses the system and the system will punish it."

"Task Reward: None!"

The voice of the system fell, and Xiao Chen suddenly realized that he could not move. Then the clothes on his body suddenly disappeared and turned into a dress. At the same time, his hair was cut off, and his face was also covered with heavy makeup.

Xiao Chen's shocked soul came out. If he was not mistaken, his current dress was a lively dress of a woman, which made Xiao Chen sounded a term, the lady's big lady.

The next moment, Xiao Chen's figure suddenly disappeared, and when he appeared again, he found him standing in front of the gate of a brothel.

"Uncle, come in and play!" Xiao Chen scratched his head, and made a faint sound in his mouth, which instantly attracted the attention of several big men at the door, each of them with saliva, looking at Xiao Chen fiercely.

"System, Xiaoye is not over with you!"

Xiao Chen made an extremely tragic voice in his heart, especially when he felt that when a few big men were holding his hand, the hairs on his hair stood up.

"No, Grandpa System, I was wrong!"

Xiao Chen looked at the expressions of several big guys and hurriedly begged for mercy. If this goes on, his innocence is not guaranteed!

"Next time, if you dare to question the dignity of this system, you will know the consequences."

At this moment, the voice of the system rang, and then Xiao Chen found that he was able to move. Without a word, he turned and ran, leaving behind a group of big guys looking at each other.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for completing the mandatory mission!"

"Congratulations to the player for getting a set of women's clothing (this outfit cannot be discarded or destroyed)!"

Suddenly, Xiao Chen burst into tears.

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