Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1058: In the heart of fear!

"Who are you? Who allowed you to come in?" Immediately a sergeant came up and shouted angrily.

Zhang Xingyi's anger had reached its extreme. Looking at the sergeant in front of him, he couldn't help it. He roared like a beast and punched the sergeant. The sergeant did not react at all, and was directly torn apart by Zhang Xingyi's anger.

Maybe they are used to being arrogant and don't think anyone dares to attack them, so that he doesn't know how to die until death.

After a long time, the other sergeants realized that the situation seemed to be something wrong, but unfortunately it was too late. An angry Zhang Xingyi rushed in front of them instantly, tearing them all to pieces.

After killing the sergeant, Zhang Xingyi rushed to an old man, checked the old man's injury, and burst into tears instantly.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, I disdain my grandson's return."

Zhang Xingyi cried and cried.

Hearing Zhang Xingyi's voice, the old man's eyes gradually regained a look, looking at Zhang Xingyi, until after a while, the old man finally recognized that this face in front of him was his grandson most.

"Yi'er, is that you?"

"It's me, grandpa, I'm sorry, it was me who caused you to become like this." Zhang Xingyi knelt in front of the old man, tears dripping down his eyes.

"Yi'er, it's really you. I can see you before you die. The old man died without regrets." The old man burst into tears, suddenly thinking of something, and hurriedly said: "Yi'er, you go quickly, if the emperor Knowing that you came back to see us, even if you are his biological son, he will not let you go."

"Grandpa, don't worry, the young master will definitely save us." Zhang Xingyi introduced Xiao Chen to the old man, and at the same time changed the incident of Xiao Chen coming all the way.

"The old man thanked him for saving Yier, and asked him to leave here with Yier. The old man was grateful."

The old man knelt down towards Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen looked at the old man kneeling in front of him, but said lightly: "Are you willing?"

The old man looked up at Xiao Chen with puzzled eyes.

Xiao Chen said calmly: "Your Yu family has suffered so much. Don't you want to take revenge? Don't you want to kill the emperor and avenge your dead family members?"

"Impossible, the emperor's strength is unfathomable, and the strength of the commanders of the top ten of the eighteenth legion is strong, and there are four major offerings. It is impossible to kill the emperor."

The old man shook his head, his eyes full of helplessness and fear.

"What if I can help you?"

"Impossible, please leave the son with the righteous son. I beg you as an old man." The old man kowtowed.

Looking at the old man, a trace of disappointment flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes. The old man had been oppressed by the emperor for a long time, and he had no intention of resisting in his heart. It could even be said that he did not dare.

"Ask the son to help me, I want to avenge the third sister!" Suddenly a 13-year-old girl knelt in front of Xiao Chen and said.


"Look up and tell me, what is your name and what do you want to do?" Xiao Chen said lightly.

The girl raised her head, her eyes were full of persistence, and her voice was a little hoarse: "My name is Yu Nan, I am going to kill the emperor, kill Zhang Wen, kill Zhang Zhi, kill... to avenge my third sister!"

"You are willing to recognize me as Lord."

"Yu Nan pays homage to the master, and is willing to look forward to the master's head!" Yu Nan said seriously.

"Call me Young Master, from now on you, like Zhang Xingyi, are a member of the Xiao Family Army." Xiao Chen said lightly.

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