Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1057: anger!

"Hello, my name is Xiao Chen, I want to go in, please let me in." Xiao Chen said sincerely.

"This is where the rebellious party is located. Since you are going in, it seems that you are rebelling against the party!" One of the sergeants held a spear at Xiao Chen and said coldly: "Catch it with your hands, or kill it!"

"You guys are really overbearing!" Xiao Chen's mouth suddenly appeared in a joke: "But, I like it!"

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen made a gun gesture with his left hand, spurred him with the ten-pulse divine sword, and shot two shots, directly piercing the foreheads of the two sergeants.

The movement here instantly attracted the attention of others.

"There is a treason!"

A group of sergeants rushed out from the mansion, roared, bursting out the breath of the whole body, and directly killed the four.

"Double spears strangling!" Xiao Chen whispered, both left and right hands made gun gestures, and the ten-pulse divine sword exploded indiscriminately. A group of sergeants could not resist at all. After only a few breaths, all the sergeants lay in a pool of blood.

"Hi... so strong!"

"Who is this young man who dares to slaughter the imperial sergeant? Does he not want to live anymore?"

"The emperor will definitely be furious, this time I don't know how many people will die?"

"But to be honest, this young man is so strong, these sergeants are all masters, and they can't even handle a move!"

Passers-by who passed by the mansion saw this scene and made an uproar.

"Who? You dare to kill my imperial sergeant and take your life!" A roar sounded, and a big man carrying a big knife directly slashed towards Xiao Chen.

"Why do you call so loud, show that your voice is loud?" Xiao Chen shot a shot at the incoming person, and the sword aura shot through the big knife in his hand, undiminished in strength, and shot through his chest in his horrified eyes. .

"How is it possible?" An incredible look flashed in the big man's eyes, and he fell to the ground unwillingly.

"The eighteenth legion of the imperial army, the commander of the five-fold Xianzun, was just killed by a single move?"

After recognizing the identity of this big man, many people opened their eyes wide, and couldn't believe their eyes.

Zhang Xingyi was also taken aback. Although he knew that Xiao Chen was very strong, he did not expect to be so strong.

Seeing Xiao Chen breaking through the door, he hurriedly followed.

Along the way, all sergeant Xiao Chen had only one move, and a group of people quickly arrived in the hall, but the scene in the hall made everyone extremely angry.

In the hall, there are a few imperial sergeants, and there is a group of people in the hall. They are dressed in rags and skinny. Among them are men and women, the elderly, and children. Each of them is locked by chains. The group of people looked like walking dead, with lifeless faces.

What makes people even more angry is that there are several prisoners with chains, holding whips in their hands, and lashing them on the same prisoners.

Every time the whip was blown, the flesh was spattered and blood was flying, regardless of whether it was the beating or the beating, they roared in pain, with helpless tears in their eyes.

Hearing these roars, the sergeant on the side laughed.

Zhang Xingyi saw this scene, and his eyes suddenly split: "Mother concubine, eldest sister, second sister, uncle, Xiao Nan..."

When Xiao Chen saw this scene, his face instantly became extremely gloomy. He still underestimated the brutal rule of this empire, and even let his relatives whipped his relatives and used them to make fun. His behavior was heinous.

Several sergeants laughed wantonly, and they didn't even notice Xiao Chen and others coming in, until Zhang Xingyi's roar sounded, they discovered this group of uninvited guests!

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